Chapter 39

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Jake’s POV

“What?” I asked as Isaac, the man that had control over the machine, recited the address the call came from.

“1419 Westwood Street. That is where the call came from.”

Could it be? I knew that address by heart and there was no way in the world that the call that came from Rosie’s phone was placed on my dad’s house. It can’t be true. Maybe the machine was broken or maybe it misplaced a number.

“I don’t think that address is correct. Are you sure that machine is accurate?” I asked nervousness laced in my voice.

The Captain stared at me with a suspicious look but I shrugged it off. The possibility that Rosie is actually at my dad’s house is impossible.  The single thought of Rosie being all this time there is something I can’t think of actually happen. I looked at everyone in the room and they were looking at me with the same suspicious look the Captain did, even Marcus. Did they think I knew where Rosie was?

“What is the problem with the address, Jake? The machine is a hundred percent accurate. Is there something you don’t want us to see in that address? Is that the place where you’re hiding Rosie? I’ve had many cases where the boyfriend is a psycho and hides the girlfriend so no one can have. Tell me the truth kid and we will go easy on you.”

The Captain ended his speech and I had nothing to say. He actually thought I had Rosie hidden. After all the tears I have cried and all the nights I have spent wondering where would she be and my persistence on him to help him, he thought I have her hidden.

“With all respect Captain, did you actually heard the shit you just said? I have been going for the days she has been missing without sleeping and eating wondering where the hell would she be. I was in the point of ripping my hair out of frustration. When we went to ask for your help, I was nearly falling to my knees and start begging for you to help us. And after all of this time you are accusing me of kidnapping my own girlfriend. I’m sorry Captain but you are really fucked up.” I said to him keep a straight face.

He had a small smile on his lips, while Marcus looked at me amused by what I had said. What I had said was no joke, the Captain was fucked up for believing for an instant I would kidnap and hurt the only person that had faith in me and loved me despite all the fucked up things I did in the past.

Interrupting my thoughts the Captain spoke, “Then why did you reacted in such way?”

“Because that address is my dad’s.” I said to the Captain and watched as his face changed from serious to surprised. Yeah, that was my same exact reaction.

“Your dad’s house? Are you sure?” He looked at me as if I had two heads.

“Yeah I’m completely sure,  that is why I think the machine may be wrong because there is no way my dad would kidnap and hurt my girlfriend.”

“Well the machine has never been wrong but it wouldn’t hurt to pay a visit, right?”

“Yeah, it wouldn’t matter. Let me get my jacket and we are good to go.” I said at the same time the Captain was telling the policemen to pack everything.

We are doing this to please the Captain but I know we will find nothing there. But there is something bugging me about what the Captain said. The machine is a hundred percent accurate, there isn’t a single thing that would say as of why would my dad kidnap Rosie.


Rosie’s POV

I still couldn’t fathom the thought of Dan being behind all of this. Hunter stared at the man he called Dad with anger in his eyes. This was too much to handle and I wasn’t ready to know all of this. Dan, Jake’s dad, was Hunter’s dad too. And besides all that he was the one behind the pain I was feeling and the reason the two psychos constantly came to stab my arm. But why would Dan want to hurt me?

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