Chapter 12

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Jake's POV

I was spending this day with Chris. He picked me up and we went to get breakfast. Then we went back to my house, so I could pick up my motorcycle. We were now at an excluded location where many people came to practice and sometimes race. When we arrived I thought it would be empty, but I was wrong. This was the only place where I could really be myself. No one telling me how to behave, I could be me here.

Chris and I did some laps just for fun. I liked racing, I felt free everytime I do it. Its like the world can't stop me, and the way the wind hit my face, its comfortable.

"Amazing race, you're getting better." I said to Chris as he reached the finish line.

"I learned from the best." He said smiling. "You know what's happening over there?"

I turned my face where Chris was looking at. There was a big commotion. People surrounding a guy with black hair. He started walking to us, people cleared his space and I saw who the 'mysterious guy' was. He was standing in front of me, smiling.

"What are you doing here?" My blood was starting to boil at this point.

"You know that this is a public place. Besides, I came to race," Scott said with his face inches to mine. People made a circle around us. In any moment, my rage would give in and I would end punching him again.

"I would punch you right now if you don't fucking leave." I spatted with anger.

"Why don't we solve this, like professionals?" He said fixing my jacket. I angrily removed his hand from it.

RACE!! RACE!! RACE!! RACE!! RACE!! RACE!! RACE!! RACE!! The people started chanting. I looked at Chris. He was giving me his typical 'don't do it, its a bad idea' look.

"Let's do it!" I said.

We were positioned in the start line. People were cheering. I saw Chris, he had a worried look on his face. I was determined to win. A girl stood in the middle holding a black flag. We started our engine. A big roar filled all of our ears.

"GO!" The girl said, moving the flag.

We blasted as fast as our motorcycles could go. I felt the wind hit my face and the scent of gas filled the air, crashing into my nose. My body was filled with adrenaline. I sped and we were now head to head. I looked at Scott and he had an evil smirk plastered on his face. I had a bad feeling about it. A right turn. A left turn. We were now heading back to the finish line. He moved closer to me. He crashed his front wheel on mine making me lose control. I couldn't control it. I fell to the ground with the motorcycle on top. Then everything went black.

Hope you enjoy the chapter, a bit rubbish.  


Thanks so much for everything<33


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