Chapter 9

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Rosie’s POV

I opened the door to my house and as I closed it I fell to the floor with an absurd smile on my face. Words couldn’t describe the day, it was as if I was floating on a cloud and I didn’t want to get out afraid of what reality has for me. I didn’t know what came over me, but something told me I needed to kiss him before it was too late. Many opportunities I have lost because I didn’t take risks and I didn’t want to waste this one. His rough lips, I could feel them over mine moving in sync; they were harsh yet sweet. I was about to stand up and go upstairs when a hand grabbed my arm mightily making me gasp at the tight grip.

"Why are you arriving this late?"

"Dad." I paused trying to think for an excuse. "The cocktail got delayed." I said putting my best convincing, not lying, face. I could smell alcohol as he approached me and I backed away scared of the man that was in front of me.

"You think I'm so stupid to believe that lie." He looked disappointed, but that was soon replaced with rage. "Harry called worried about you, saying that you never arrived!" He said increasing his voice as he talked. I had never seen him that pissed, except for those times he would came home drunk, screaming at me. I flinched as the memories flashed through my mind.

He would go to my room and use me as his personal punching bag to take out the anger he had bottled inside. I still remember all the bruises and cuts I got thanks to his drunken self. In the morning, he would act as if nothing happened, but the scars and the swollen marks remained just like the memories.

"Dad, I can expla-" He cut me off.

"Explain what!? You were coward enough to not face your responsibilities? You need to have clear what commitment means!" He shouted at me. At this point, I was scared. My dad was one of those men that you don’t want to cross in their path when they are drunk, but I was getting tired of his bullshit and he shoving me what I need to do or not.

"Don’t call me that!" I screamed without a care in the world; the neighbors where probably all ears listening to our argument. "The only reason I go to those useless meeting is to make you happy, but you know what? I hate them!" By now I knew I would be loosing this argument. "I want to be a photographer, why can't you see!" I pleaded.

"Bullshit! You don’t know what you want. You are nothing, but ridiculous!" He said walking towards me. His warm alcoholic breath made its way to my face intoxicating me. I couldn’t handle his words anymore, so I snapped.

"I’m ridiculous? Are you sure? Last time I check I was not the one using my own daughter as a fucking punching bag. I’m so damn tired of being the little weak girl that stood behind your back. You know what else I’m tired about? Being yours and mom’s puppet doing what either of you wanted. But I’m done! I will be whatever I want whether you like it or not!" I screamed at him, knowing I hit a nerve when I reminded him about his drunken past, but that was needed to be said.

A slight burning rose to the top of my right cheek. I felt a weird sting on it, then I realized he did the thing I thought he would never do; he punched me. A pulsating pain laid on my right cheek. Tears streamed down my face. I put my hand on my cheek holding it, shocked at his actions. How could he? I couldn’t see it, but I knew a bruise was forming. His expression changed from anger and disappointment to regret and pity. But it was too late.

"Oh gosh! Rosie. Baby, please forgive me." He said reaching out for me, but I stepped back making my way to the stairs. His hand touched mine and I, immediately, snap it way. I ran up the stairs and locked myself in my room. I fell to the ground crying, feeling my cheek hurting as seconds passed. I went to my bed and cried myself to sleep.


A throbbing pain on my head woke me up in the middle of the night. I went to the bathroom and checked my reflection in the mirror. I gasped. In front of me was a girl with messy dark brown hair and black bags under her eyes. Her eyes were red and puffy due to the crying.  I laid my gaze, then, on my cheek. It was purple; a giant bruise started to make its appearance. The sight of it was disturbing. I touched the sensitive skin and flinched at the pain it caused me. Tears fell, again, as I made my way back to my bed. I never thought it would happen again, but I should had expect it; when you do it for the first time, there is nothing stopping you to do it the second time.


The following days I ignored any apologies from my dad. My mom didn’t bother asking where the swollen bruise came from, but I think she already knew. I was busy trying to find an apartment to move-in and looking for a job. After I told Nikki about the whole incident, she offered to take me as her guest, but I refused. Her parents got involved in the searching and thanks to them I found the perfect one. It was furnished and ready. I also ignore Jake’s calls and texts. I was waiting until the bruise on my cheek, disappeared.

"Ro, you can't hide that from Jake. He's dead worried about you." A strong smell of coffee beans and sweets filled my nostrils making my stomach growl. The smell of Starbucks would always calm my thoughts and of course the perfect drink.

"Nik, I know. I really want to see him, but I won't let him see my like this. He will react aggressively and would snap and kick my dad’s butt." I said nervously. I didn't want Jake to know because I know for sure he will punish my father.

"You know, he really likes you." She said smiling. "He can't stop talking about you." I was blushing madly now. I did care for him too. Never would I thought I would develop so strong feelings for someone in such a short time.

"I care for him too. I will call him tonight." I said taking a sip of my coffee.


"Hey Jake, umm sorry for not picking any of your calls and for not replying to any of your messages is that my heartless dad slap me and I didn't want you to, umm you know, jump to conclusions and act by impulse. Hope you don't hate me." I said gingerly to the mirror. I didn't know what to say. I picked up the phone and dial his number. He picked up at the fifth ring.

"Hello." He said with his husky voice.

"Umm... hi Jake." I stuttered lightly

"Ro, are you ok? Oh gosh! I was really worried about you; you didn't pick any of my phone calls." 

"I'm alright. I just umm... lost my phone, but I bought a new one."

"Are... you sure?" He asked clearly not believing my lie.

"Yes." I reassured him trying my best not to give in a sign that I was lying.

"You know I missed you." I was now blushing madly and I felt all the butterflies dancing inside my stomach. How could this boy made me feel all these?

"I missed you too."

"Maybe if you want... umm... of course if you like to err... go to a party at Hayley's, but it’s if you umm... want to go, cause if you don't want we could stay at your house or go to mine and watch some films or if you err... don't like films we can talk there but that would be very awkward, but that's if you don't want to umm.. go of course."

"Jake." I chuckled. "Are you done word vomiting on me?" I could tell he was rolling his eyes at which made me laugh.

"Ha Ha so funny, Ro." He said sarcastically. "So you want to come, ‘cause I can continue word vomiting as you called it."

"I would love to." I said blushing.

"Done, I'll pick you up at 8." He said happily. "Goodnight babe." I hung up still feeling the butterflies inside me. I climbed in bed and went to sleep happily thanks to Jake.

Pic of Chris and Nikki on the side

(A/N): I'm really sorry for the crappy chapter, it will get better. Hope you're enjoying it. THANKS so much for reading it. I know bruises dont vanish that fast, but let's pretend in this case they do.




-much love-

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