Chapter 19

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A/N: You guys can stab me, I know I haven't posted in ages but school's been a bother. Its like all the teachers decided to put all exams and projects for the same week. So sorry buttercups!

Jake's POV

The sun hit my eyes causing me to open them. I rolled over to block the sun off my eyes. On my right, Ro laid there with her bare back to me. I smiled. Memories from last night flooded my mind. I've never been so gentle with anyone in my life and never had a girl stayed before. We would just pleasure each other and then she would leave.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I jumped into the cool water, letting it wash all my thoughts away. I jumped out and wrapped a towel around my waist. I stared at my reflection in the steamy mirror, my dirty blonde hair dripping wet.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. The bed was a mess, but she wasn't there. I put on a pair of sweatpants and walked to the kitchen. There she was, with her back to me. She was wearing one of my white shirts. The shirt ended right below her bum. It was simple, but effectively turned me on. I walked to her and hugged her from behind, resting my chin on her shoulder. I turned her around so her back was pressed on the counter. Her hair was up in a bun, her face paler than usual as if she had seen a ghost.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She stayed silent for a couple of minutes.

"I... umm think I saw something, but it was my imagination." She said while locking her phone and putting it on top of the counter. I walked to the fridge and took out the Nutella. I opened it, dipped my finger in it and then licked it.

I took the jar of the hazelnut chocolate with two spoons. I grabbed her hand and walked to the couch. Every time I need to think I eat that delicious piece of heaven. I put her on my lap as we started to eat out of the jar, stealing few kisses here and there. Her phone wouldn't stop vibrating, I asked her about it and she just shrugged it off.


"Now all my neighbors know my name, couldn't stop screaming it, could you?" I said teasing her. She hid her face on my chest, blushing. We were on my bed doing nothing. We laid there, submerged in our own thoughts. Her head rested on my chest, while one of my hands hugged her tiny waist.

"Can I ask you something?" She said turning to face me.


"Have you ever talked..." She hesitated before she continued. "To your father?" The question hit me like a bomb, catching me off guard.

"Umm... after what happened with my mom I stopped contacting him." I sat on the bed. I felt her crawling to me, hugging me while resting her chin on my shoulder.

"He had no guilt for what your mom did. Talk to him, he's still your dad." I knew what she told me was true. I doubted for a minute.

"Ok. I will call him tomorrow and maybe go see him, but you're coming with me."


Rosie's POV

"C'mon! Turn the music on." I whined as he turned off the radio. "I like that song."

"I won't turn it back on. My car, my rules." He said turning right, entering my neighborhood.

"You're so grumpy and annoying tonight." I said. He chuckled at me. He stopped at the front of my complex door. "Thanks for driving me."

"Any time." He kissed me. It wasn't rough or full with passion, it was just sweet, simple, and full of emotions.

"Good night." I climbed out of his car landing on the hard pavement. The cold night breeze hit my face giving goosebumps to my whole body. When I was at my door, he waved at me and drove away.

I checked the streets one last time. A black car parked at the end of the street caught my eyes. Someone was inside, but I couldn't figure out who. I let the thought slip and went inside.

Star Tattooed Guy's POV

I was inside the car when the lights of the familiar car caught my eyes. He dropped her off and immediately left. I picked up my phone and called my boss.

"Sir, he dropped her off and left immediately." I informed him.

"Good work." He said enthusiastically.

"I will stay here watching every move she makes, just like you ordered. Everything will go as planned, leave it all to me, Sir."

"Great job, keep it up and you will be rewarded." With that, he hung up. I stayed there submerged on the uncomfortable black leather seat, watching her.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know sorry for not posting earlier, I blame school.

This chapter is dedicate to ningaturtle:) so go check her out!


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-love ya buttercups.

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