Chapter 23

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Rosie's POV.

Black. Everything was pitch black. I couldn't see anything. I started walking to nothing. Suddenly, I heard a scream. I turned around looking for that scream, but I couldn't see anything.

"Hello? Is anyone here?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. No one replied. I, then, felt a cold gust of wind passing by me. I turned around in circles, but all I saw was, still, darkness surrounding me. In a blink of an eye, my surrounding change. From all black, I think, I was at a basement.

The basement was cold and chilly making the goosebumps appeared on my whole body. There was nothing down here, except for a door. Then something woke up my senses. The scream, again. I focused my eyes at the back of the room and I saw something hanging there.

I walked slowly making my way to the thing. A weird metallic scent hit my nostrils. As I was walking, dead bodies started to appear all lying lifeless on the floor. I realized what the funny smell was. Blood. It was scattered all around the walls. I felt the bile in my throat. The view of it was disgusting, unpleasant to a human being. I wanted to throw up, but held it down.

I was approaching to the thing hanged, but as I was getting closer to it I realized it was a man. He was hanged from his two wrists up to each side (in a t position). He had his head down. His blonde hair covered his face making it hard for me to see his face.

He was bare chest. His torso had scars all over it, some of them were new. Scratches and cuts were on his stomach. One of them was still bleeding. A tattoo at the bottom of his hip caught my eyes. 'Let me be' was written in an ancient script. The tattoo was familiar to me. I pushed the unknown man hair back. I was shocked at the sight of who it was.

His once strong but good-looking face was all smashed up. One of his blue eyes was bruised and red. It sickened me how someone could beat up a person and leave them hanging. I touched his face and he winced in pain.

"Jake, what happened to you?" I said in a soft voice still caressing his face softly. My voice echoed in the empty room coming back to my ears.

"You... you shouldn't be here. He'll... come back and he would hurt not only me, but you too." He said struggling with each word.

"I will try to untie you, Jake. I won't leave without you. I promise." I said with a lump in my throat. I blinked the tears away and started to untie him. I finished with his right wrist when the door burst open. A man with a gun on his hand started to walk towards us.

"Leave. Now! If you stay he will kill us." Jake said with all the energy he had left.

"I won't, I promised I will untie you." I said with a tear escaping my eye. Jake with his untied arm wiped it away. I hurried and started to untie his other wrist when a laugh behind me made me stop. I turned around and saw a person I thought I wouldn't see anymore. The beard he had was no longer there. Black circles covered the bottom of his eyes. He was skinnier now than when I saw him.

"Long time no see, Rosie." He said with his raspy voice.

"I can't believe you're behind all this. Doesn't it hurt seeing your son hanging there." I said pointing back to Jake, but he was no longer there. I turned around and there he was, standing next to his dad with an evil smirk on his face. The scars and scratches he had were healed.

"How did you managed... to untie you." I said still shocked. He didn't reply to me. He just stood there looking at me, moving slowly his head to the sides. Dan nodded and Jake grabbed the gun from his hand and pointed it to me. My hands started to shake uncontrollably. I started to hyperventilate. My chest rising, I couldn't find the air to breathe. Jake slowly started to pull the trigger.

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