Chapter 7

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Rosie’s POV

That moment when you think your life couldn’t get worst; life itself gives you a slap and proves you wrong. Now, I have a sore cheek and I want to disappear. My mind was playing with me that was it. I couldn't believe my eyes; he was standing right there. I wanted to walk away and that’s what I did, but dismally I bumped with Harry, lucky me. My head clashed into his chest with a thud. The smell of alcohol and smoke hauled into my nose. Ugh. He was piss drunk. The undesirable smirk appeared on his face when he looked down at me. I would gladly erase it and bury it along with his arrogance, but that would be murder. I was about to dodge him when he surprisingly clasped his hands around my wrist tightening it in the process.

"Hey Rosie-pie, come dance with me." He said. I tried to let go from his grip but it was impossible.

"I'm not going anywhere with you in that state and let me go. You’re hurting me." Fighting him was hard and more in his drunken state.

“Why do you talk like a unicorn with your little dancing horn?” Ok, he was utterly going out of his mind. He even touched my forehead possibly thinking he was touching ‘my horn’. A stupid smile made its way to his face. Then the unthinkable happened, he shoved me to the wall and started to pose slobbery kisses along my neck. He proceeded to put his other hand around my waist, causing me to whimper of pain at his hard grip. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. Pushing him away was no use, he was stronger.

Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes. The people around us were so drunk to even notice what was going on around them. I shut my eyes, thinking, hoping, this was all a nightmare and I would wake up in my bed, but I knew deep inside it was really happening. His hand went down lifting my dress giving him the opportunity to touch me on my thighs and up. His hands rubbed my thigh; sometimes touching the hem of my panties. Suddenly, Harry’s weight was no longer over mine and his clammy hands weren’t around my waist anymore. I opened my eyes and I caught a glimpse of him underneath someone, a crimson liquid fell from his nose. There was someone beating Harry and I recognized who the man was.

"Stop! Jake you're killing him." There was no single life in the room; they probably left when Jake initiated the beating. If he didn’t stop now, Harry wasn’t going to live past this. I tried grabbing his jacket, which was an impossible task to me, but his punches ceased. Jake stood up giving me an absolute look at Harry’s appearance. The brown-haired boy lay on the floor grunting and moaning of pain. From his nose blood was falling uncontrollably, his left eye was bruised along with his face, and his lip was split open. He positioned his hand on my back moving me away from Harry. My head was spinning and it was pounding really hard. Questions flew in my head leaving me more confused.

"Why you did it?" I started to massage lightly my swollen and bruised wrist. A purple circle made its appearance where Harry’s grip was.

"I couldn’t let that low life piece of shit hurt you. I just couldn't." Why did he rescue me if he hated me? Is there any reason behind it? Plenty of questions danced in my mind, making the pain in my head increase. I wanted to ask him, but I knew it wasn’t the right moment. He suddenly found the floor interesting because he glued his eyes to it. After a moment, his gaze turned to me. His eyes showed, deep inside, pain and regret. He started walking towards me, slowly closing the gap between us.

The space amongst us was becoming smaller and smaller as he walked. As an instinct, I back off. Bad decision. I accidentally slipped and fell into the pool; I waited there until I couldn't breathe anymore. From inside I could hear Jake’s laugh ringing through my ears. When there was no air left in my lungs, I brought my body back to the surface. He ducked, so we could be at the same eye level. The same smirk played upon his face. What surprised me wasn’t the fact that I was in the pool, but the fact that I wasn’t angry at him maybe it was the fact that he saved me from getting raped.

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