Chapter 16

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Rosie's POV

"Stop!" I said trying to hold some giggles. My stomach was aching due to the tickles. "Pweasee hahahaha stop." I couldn't feel my stomach. He then suddenly stopped. I caught a breath and wiped some tears that were on the corner of my eyes. I looked at him, his messy black hair swept to one side. He looked at me back with his blue eyes.

"Let's go back to work, Hunter, people are probably wondering where are the people that work here." I said fixing my hair. We were growing closer since he was my work partner.

I established myself on the chair of the reception, and started to think. I haven't talked to Jake since the fair, two days ago, how can someone make the best of your night, and then stop any communication? But two can play the same game.

My shift was over, and I was glad I didn't see the mysterious guy, again. Hunter was very nice to me. I was at home, lying on bed, with my phone on my hands. I was looking at the same familiar number, over and over again, deciding whether to call him or not. I couldn't get Jake out of my mind.


Jake POV

"Don't take her away from me!" I screamed as hard as I could. I started to run towards her, but the more I came closer the further they pulled away. Voices came from nowhere filling my ears.

"It's too late."

"You needed to open your eyes."

"You realized too late."

"There's no turning back now"

"You've lost her... forever."

I woke up panting. Sweat running through my face. I was breathing hard. My bare chest was raising up and down. I didn't realize I had a tight grip on the sheets, until my knuckles went numb. The dream felt so vivid, but why was I scared?




She was the only thing on my mind since the fair. The way she was scared, in the ferris wheel, it was adorable but it freaked me out. I dont like her, that's for sure. I felt the need to call and that's what I did. I picked my phone up and dialed her number. Two rings. Three rings. Four rings. At the fifth one she picked up.

"Hullo." Her sweet voice ringed through my ears.

"Umm hi Ro, its-" she cut me mid sentence.

"I know, Jake, what do you want?" She sounded angry.

"I was just checking on you, and wondering if you want to go to the beach... with me?" I asked, but why the heck was I nervous?

Her voice softened, "Yeah, why not." I could picture her smiling.

"I'll pick you up at ten and we will spend the day there."

"Deal. See ya." She said and hung up. After talking to her I was relieved, but something told me that my dream was... a warning.

A/N: So sorry for not posting in ages, school isn't helping either. Rubbish, I know, its just a filler, hope you enjoy it.

If you like it please comment me what you thought about it and please please vote:) thanks

-peace out beautiful-

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