Chapter 6

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Rosie's POV

The same thought lingered painfully in my mind while the water wandered my body. Why? Why my parents didn't care about me? What did I do? I knew they had to work to sustain us, but why the sudden selflessness. They yearned so hard to be accepted in a society they didn’t belong to that they forgot about their daughter. My parents forgot the attention I was possibly craving, at the moment. I felt a tingly sensation rushing down my cheeks, and then, I realized the tears that piqued my eyes were falling uncontrollably. I shut down the water controlling my sobs. I grabbed a towel and dried my body along with my face removing any trace of tears. When I was done drying my body, I grabbed a robe and wrapped it around my body. I walked out of the restroom and met with Nikki’s hasty stare.

“I thought you were going to die inside.” Nikki said standing up in front of me. “I’m going to do your make up and your hair." She made me sit down on a chair in front of my mirror. She had her purple robe on. "How do you want your hair?"

"Make it look natural; straight, but a bit wavy." Nikki plugged in the straightener, waiting for it to heat up she started working on my makeup. She scattered the content of my bag on the table. She started by applying foundation, some blush to my cheeks; according to her I was pale. To finish her master piece, as she called it, she added eyeliner and three coats of mascara. I felt like a clown. My face was brimming with cosmetics, according to me. When I looked in the mirror, I was proved wrong. I had enough make up to cover my imperfections, but still managed to look natural. She, then, proceeded to use the straightener on my hair. 

After an hour, we were down. My room was tidier than before; clothes thrown all over the room and some lipstick ended up on the ceiling. Nikki wore her dress perfectly with some beige pumps and a clutch the same. In my case, I wore the black dress, black pumps, and my golden bracelet, which my grandma gave me before she passed away. We made our way downstairs dodging the apparel scattered on the floor. I didn’t want to go, but my parents made me. The only thing I wanted to do was lay in bed while blasting music through my headphones, but that was not going to happen.

On our way to the party I decided to ask Nikki about her good mood and her sudden addiction to her phone. I looked at her from the corner of my eyes and there she was smiling at the shining screen of her phone.

"Nik, I've notice you're happier and acting goofily now and- its not like I'm against it or anything, it’s just. I don’t even know why ask the first place." An uncomfortable silence surrounded us, making me move on my seat.

"Well." She paused. A smile grew on her lips and a slight pink color crept to her cheeks. "A guy is involved."

Nikki’s POV



I was at the beach enjoying the waves and how the light tide moved you from spot. We were having a blast. Hunter accidentally splashed a kid and the boy bit Hunter’s arm. It was hilarious the way Hunter took a hold of the ‘wound’, as he called it. The kid’s teeth were marked on his arms. My sides hurt so badly for laughing. When I stopped my stomach started growling indicating I was starving. I left the water shivering as the wind clashed against my wet body. I went to our spot and wrapped a towel around my body. Surprisingly, Ro wasn’t there. I looked at the distance and there she was walking away with some hot guy, according to his back, trailing behind her. Mental note, ask her when she comes back. When I was half dry, I put on a dress.

I walked to the nearest snack bar, luckily it was empty. I sat on the wooden stool waiting for the bartender to finish with an old lady. When he was done, he approached to me. He looked at me and smile.

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