Chapter 32

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Rosie's POV

I spent the whole night thinking about the tattoo and scared of what was the real reason behind Scott's apology. Scott didn't seem to mind every time he laid his arm playfully around my shoulder, but I did. Just the simple gesture of his eyes looking at me made me shiver. I spotted Jake near the finish line watching the race that was developing in front of his eyes. He seemed so into it, as if he was the one competing. Everyone cheered when one of the guys won.

"The two heads race will be starting in three minutes. All the competitors find your partner and come to the start line with your motorcycle." A girl said in a monotone yet exciting voice over the microphone.

Then after that everything went quickly, like it happens in movies. Jake asked me to be his partner in the race and I neglected his petition because of my fear, as I like to call it, was prominent and it would be hard for him to win with me.

Since the begging resulted in nothing, he pulled the so called puppy eye expression. He moved his brows up with his blue, mesmerizing eyes following behind. Lips forming a perfect pout, the lower lip slightly sticking out, made me gave in eventually. The way the dim light of the moon settled delicately on his face made him look like an angel yet he, somehow, reflected through that heart melting look a spark of mischief and danger that could lure any woman and the fact that I could call him mine made my heart leap.

The race consisted, as the name clearly denoted, two people would be riding the motorcycle. One of them, in this case Jake, would be driving the motorcycle and the partner and this is where I come in, would be warning the driver when one of the competitors is near. What makes all of this interesting is the fact that both of us need to be tied to the waist with one another.

I still don't understand why I agreed into this the first place.

A girl in some white jeans short and a light blue crop top came to our motorcycle. Her blonde long, curly pony tail bouncing as she tied an old, rigged rope around the two of us. She stuck her ass out moving it seductively attracting the male attention within a radius, all of them except Jake. When the slutty girl finished the tight knot, she shot a wink towards Jake, which he clearly ignored.

"Can you remind me again, why did I agree into this?" As minutes passed, I was more convinced I shouldn't have agreed to that, but there I was tied to Jake waiting for a horn to blow.

"Because you love me and don't worry about falling down." He said when he saw the worried look that was in my face. "I'm not letting you slip that easily; I'm not letting you go, no matter what. I won't let you go, ever."

I knew that what he said wasn't completely directed to my fear of falling down from the motorcycle. He won't let me go, I thought. Maybe I was over thinking a few words he said, but they meant much more than simple encouragement words. I knew if fall, if I slip he would be there helping me up and cleaning the dust off me. He would be my wonderwall, always there for me when I needed him and as he said, he won't let me go, and I trusted each and every single word he said. He won't let me go, ever.

The same girl that seek oh so desperately male attention, stood up on top of the small platform with the microphone in hand. "Competitors get ready!" Everybody cheered as those worlds left the red lips of her. 3, the crowd chanted impatiently, 2, all the competitors started the ignition of their respective bikes heating the engine. The roar of it echoed through my ears surprisingly making adrenaline run through my veins, pumping my heart faster as seconds passed waiting for the loud horn to be blown. 1, all the motorcycles sped as fast as they could go leaving a trail of smoke behind and the herd of people chanting, all waiting anxiously to see the outcome of the race.

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