Chapter 31

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I'm really sorry for all the time I took to update but I was dealing with some personal problems. They are still not over yet, therefore the updates will be slow sorry about that again. I want them to all be over with a snap of a finger but is really hard, so please be patient.

Hope you enjoy the chapter, it ended up being longer than what I was hoping for.


Unknown POV

"Fuck! It didn't go as we damn planned."

The man out of anger threw everything from his desk. Black rings under his eyes, the result of not getting any sleep at all planning how to hurt the person he despise the most, the person that caused all of his pain. He threw the cup of liquor that was on his desk against the wall making it broke into pieces. Pulling out his hair, he screamed out of frustration falling to the ground. The young boy, his partner in crime, walked to him carefully trying not to press the wrong button.

"Dad look, we will figure it out, but you need to cool off."

The brown haired boy touched his dad's shoulder, but the man spat it away. He stood up angrily shooting daggers at the younger boy, at the only person that had been with him at his most solitary moments. The younger boy was afraid of what his dad might do to him in the state he's in. Out of frustration and anger, the older man punched his son, splitting his lower lip. The younger boy, not shocked at his dad's action, brought his hand to his lips and cleaned the blood that seeped from his lip. He was used to having his dad lashing out on him and in some cases punch him harder than necessary, leaving his son coughing blood on the floor.

"We will kidnap her now and make her suffer like no one ever did before." The man said, his voice spitting venom as each word left his lips. His face reflected anger, but deep down all that could be seen was hurt, a man that was scarred and marked for the rest of his life.

"You can't. Please. We can figure something out, but please." The younger pleaded, something he didn't do much, but in this situation that's the only thing he could do to convince the stubborn man.

"Don't beg, that is my final decision. She didn't marry that boy and with all the warning we sent her yet she is glued to him like a flea. We need to do one simple thing, and then you and Drew can strike right after it."

Rosie's POV

I paced back and forth in front of my closet deciding what to wear. Jake decided it was a good time for me to see what his passion is and for me to meet some of his friends. I silently hoped he will treat me right and not ignore me. Back to Hailey's party he acted as if I wasn't there, but that was in the past he won't treat me that way, right?

After looking at my closet for what it seemed forever, I decided on wearing my favorite black leggings, a light blue jean blouse and my converse. When I went to the bathroom to change, a huge pain in my lower stomach made me whimper. As I suspected when I pull my underwear down, a small stain of blood was on it.

"How I hate this time of the month." I spoke to myself. Every time I was on my period the cramps that came along with it were unbearable and my whole body ached, in other words it was horrible. Lucky for me it only lasts three days, but those are the worst days of the month. All I ever did on the days I had it was nothing, besides eating junk food as if there was no tomorrow and mourn in bed. Before pulling my leggings up, I put on my tampon. I opened the cabinet and took a pill of Advil out of its bottle and swallowed it instantly yearning for the awful pain to disappear.

Tying my straight hair into a high bun, I walked to the living room to find Jake gulping orange juice straight from the bottle. He closed the unfinished beverage and placed it back into the fridge.

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