Chapter 13

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Jake's POV

I woke up in a white room. My head was throbbing. The pain in my right leg was unbearable. Where was I? White walls, white door, and a constant beeping. Then, an alcoholic scent hit my nose, the hospital. Memories from last night rushed through my brain. I examined the room. There were two couches and single table in a corner of the room. Something caught my eye, in the couch, someone laid there. Curled in a little ball was... Rosie. What was she doing here? As cue she woke up. She noticed I was awake and walk to my side. Her vanilla perfume filled my nose.

"How are you feeling?" She asked with her morning voice.

"My head umm... hurts a little and my leg hurts err... a lot." She chuckled at my response.

"I'm going to tell the doctor you're awake." I grabbed her arm before she left. I looked at her big captivating brown eyes. Her hair wrapped in a messy bun. She still looked pretty and it really amazed me.

"Why are you here?" I said as sweet as I can, to not sound mean.

She sighed, "Chris called me last night and told me about your accident. I came as soon as I could to the hospital. I begged Chris to let me spend the night, he didn't agree at first, but he finally let me stay. I was worried you know." She looked tired, dark bags adorned the bottom of her eyes.

"But, why?" I said shocked. How could she still care about me? After all she's gone through because of me.

"Because I care." She said and kissed my chin before she disappeared looking for the doctor. I felt hot. How could a simple kiss make me feel so... different? I smiled.


I was very confused after the doctor left. He had told me what I had with medical terms I didn't understand. In a few words, my tibia was broken in three parts and I hit my head pretty hard in the cement, beside that, I was good. The hospital food was beyond disgusting. Ro didn't want to leave my side, which I found really cute. I had to beg her to leave and get some sleep. Chris was seated in a chair next to my bed.

"How are you feeling, mate?"

"I feel like I was run over by a truck, like crap." I said removing the unfinished plate of mashed potatoes from my sight. "Why did you tell Ro... about the accident?"

"I thought she needed to know, and you know... she cares about you." He said smiling. When I didn't answer he said, "and you know you care about her too, more than your own life."

"I d-don't... errr she's just another girl." I stammered, shocked about his answer.

"You're trying to convince yourself, because its clear for everyone. You care for her. I bet you've never felt the way you feel around her with anyone before. You feel the need to protect her and I'm sure you like her and you would risk your life for her."

"If, and only if, I like her, I couldn't be with her. Not that I like her or anything, but, my past and enemies will find a way to hurt her. I could lose her. If I really do like her, I'd be devastated."

"Are you trying to convince yourself? Because that's bullshit and you know it! Ok then, let's pretend you like her. Take her to other places, not just clubs and parties. Take her to the fair or to the beach or make her a picnic." He said standing up. "Mate, I'm leaving, take care." He then opened the door and left.

Should I do what he said? Not that I like her but to accomplish my goal, take her to bed.

Rosie's POV

I hugged my pillow trying to get some sleep, but I couldn't. Jake was seriously injured. It hurt me seeing him wincing in pain in his sleep and the fact that it was all my fault kept me awake. I wanted to be with him. My eyes started to get heavier as minutes passed. I can be me when I'm with him. The grip around my pillow started to soften. I closed my eyes and drifted myself to an amazing but yet disturbing place, sleep.

A bit rubbish, sorry. It will get better promise. Hope you enjoy it! And and...


-much love-

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