Chapter 36

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Jake's POV

After the horrendous events of last night, I woke the next morning early and went to Marcus' home to inform him of what is happening with his daughter. I had been so caught up in my own feelings, in mourning all day about the thought of not knowing where she is, that I didn't think of the fact that her own father didn't know in the condition she was. So that was my first destination and after, I will go to the police to report her missing and start a searching party for her.

I stopped on a red light on my way to his house. My palms were sweating and I was anxious of how he will react when I tell him. I was nervous, my hands were griping the steering wheel. The last time I saw Marcus was when Rosie and I were discussing the marriage between her and Harry, since that day I haven't seen the man.

The light turned green and as I was nearing his street  I was growing more impatient. What I was feeling wasn't exactly nervousness, I was yes, but I was more scared, scared of his reaction when I tell him his daughter, his only child, was kidnapped and I had no idea where she was and who took her. That reaction scared me to death. I was her  boyfriend, I was supposed to be there for her, take care of her and love her, but all I did right was the latter and it didn't help her.

I stepped out of the car and walked to his front door. My knees were shaking, in fact my whole body was trembling, but I needed to do it, he has the right to know. I knocked on the white door twice. Beads of sweat fell slowly from my neck to my back, making me more nervous.

Marcus opened the door with a smile on his face; it sucked I was the one that ruined that. He was still the same man I saw weeks ago; aging wasn't on his plan. He wore a white shirt with navy blue sweats. He moved his head as if searching for the one person I didn't know when both us would see again.

"Where is Rosie?" He asked still smiling.

"That is why I'm here." His smile vanished and was soon replaced by a frown.

He moved aside to let me in. I walked with my head down to the living room with a worried Marcus trailing behind. Nothing has changed since I last stepped a foot on this living room. The wall were painted with the same light yellow color and the paintings were the same. The couches were in the same position, the only thing that vary was the nice orchid that was on the table in the corner of the room.

"What happened with Rosie, Jake?" His voice was filled with concern.

"Well, the thing is, she was umm…" I didn’t know if I could do this, I wasn’t sure if I could break his heart that way; I wasn’t strong enough to do that. But I needed to do it, he has the right to know. I just needed to do what my dad used to do whenever my brother put tape on his arm: peel it fast so it won’t hurt.

"Rosie is missing."

His expression changed suddenly as those three words left my mouth. As an instinct, his hands went to grip his hair as he stared at me with a confused yet hurt expression. I saw on his face he didn’t believe me, I bet he thinks I’m fooling around and Rosie is in the car waiting, but how I wish it was that way.

"Jake, stop playing around and tell me what is happening." His eyes were tearing up already and his face was red with anger, probably, or frustration but either way telling him with no advise was a bad idea.

"I’m sorry Marcus, but it is true. She have been missing for three days and I’ve been losing my mind racking my brain thinking where the hell she might be, but all I was welcomed was nothing! There is nothing, no tracks, fucking nothing! I haven’t been eating or sleeping because as soon as I close my fucking eyes all I see is someone hurting her and waking up with an empty space next to me makes me want to bang my head in a wall! I can’t take it anymore, I need to find her. I need her!"

I ended panting after my outburst and Marcus had his head on his hands while he cried. Without acknowledging, tears were falling from my eyes. I couldn’t believe she is not here and she is probably out there hurting in pain and crying with little whimpers escaping her lips as she tried to call for help. We needed to do something, we can’t sit here and cry because we don’t know where she is.

Standing up, I walked to the couch were Marcus was silently crying in his hands. I pat his back trying to soothe the indescribable pain he was feeling at the moment. After a few minutes he calmed and with the back of his hand cleaned the trace of tears, that moments later were falling from his eyes.

“What are we going to do now? We need to find her.” Marcus was now composed and if I hadn’t witnessed his breakdown I would only tell he was crying because of his bloodshot eyes.

“I was thinking about going to the police and report her missing and have flyers everywhere in town. Also the other night someone called me from her phone so we could call and see if some of her kidnapper picks up.”

“Ok, let’s go and you drive; I am in no condition to take the wheel.” I chuckled slightly at the tone he used and he smiled.


“You don’t seem to fucking understand my girlfriend has been missing for the past three days and you can’t just tell me to wait for tomorrow, because you are too damn lazy to make a phone call! It doesn’t cost you anything man.” I shouted at the police man behind the mahogany desk.

Marcus and I had arrived at the police station, possibly an hour ago, and they let us waiting for thirty minutes more or less. I was growing more impatient as the seconds passed. My patience was growing thing and that was when I lost it. Marcus had tried to grab me by my jacket but I had shrugged him off. If I don’t stand up now, they would leave us there until I can barely walk. And my impatience caused me to shout at the man asking for General Rodriguez, which according to him wasn’t there at the moment.

“I’m telling you sir, General Rodriguez isn’t here. So if you don’t want to spend the night here for disobeying an officer order, I recommend you sir to leave now and come tomorrow.”   

I was beyond pissed now. At the moment, I didn’t know what to do with the anger I was feeling. Just because a stupid guy didn’t want to pick the damn phone a dial his boss, Rosie will spent another day with those dangerous men and I will spend another day without knowing her location.

“C’mon Marcus we will come tomorrow.” I said glaring at the police officer.

“No. No! I won’t leave until this man call his boss and tell him we are here.”

Marcus walked back and stood in front of the man’s desk glaring him. He grabbed something from the man’s desk. I stood behind him and saw a picture of the officer’s family, I suppose. Marcus flashed the framed picture to his face and for a moment I thought he would hit the officer with it.

“Look at it! What would you do if your daughter, who looking at the picture isn’t much older than my Rosie is, would be kidnapped and you could do nothing about it? How would you feel if you didn’t know where she is for three days? Imagine all that multiplied by a hundred! Just please I beg you call your boss and tell him to come here, I don’t know what I would do if I don’t see her again. Please.”

Everyone in the police station was quiet after Marcus outburst, even the women at the place were crying and some had sympathy look on their faces. I was, like all the other people, surprised by him; I knew he would eventually explode by the new but I didn’t think it was going to be that soon. My eyes drifted back to the annoying man, which his tag read Officer Walker; his face was unreadable but I knew better, he was going to break.

“I am really sorry about your daughter and yes I will call General Rodriguez, just go sit and I will call you when I have an answer from him.” That Walker dude said with a small smile tugging his lips. He acted all tough because of the role he was playing at the station but I saw what the other couldn’t, his eyes watering at Marcus small speech.

Marcus hugged me as soon as the officer said those words and I reciprocated the action.  I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel and luckily it was no train, it was hope. A feeling that told me we were going to find Rosie and soon enough I will have her in my arms again and this time I won’t let her go.

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