Chapter 25

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(A/N): I dont do this a lot, but this chapter is dedicated to wingless_butterfly. Calli and Val are such amazing lasses and also great writers. Val helped me a lot when I was going through some rough times and she is always there for me. I just wanted to dedicate this chapter to her  because she had been there for me and she had seen me when I was in my lowest. So thanks a lot and GO CHECK THEM OUT!!

Jake's POV

I shifted uncomfortably on the bed. My head was pounding with every move. I changed positions trying to find one that could, luckily, drove me back to sleep. My eyes were sore due to the lack of it. They were heavy and slightly burned. I felt as if thousands of trucks ran over my body. Then, while I couldn't move a big baby came and danced on top of me, leaving me in an unbearable pain throughout my body.

Last night, after Chris left, me being the greatest genius, thought it would be a great idea to drown my grief and troubles in alcohol, so that was exactly what I did. I opened a bottle of beer and gulped it all in one sip. The beer didn't affect me, at all. I moved, then, to something stronger, to something that could really work and take all that was bugging me away; vodka.

I twisted the lid of the crystal bottle. Looking at the colorless liquid dancing at the bottom, I brought the nozzle to my mouth. The first shot burned my throat, but after the second it felt almost like water.

With every shot I drank, one of my, many, problems was vanishing. The feeling was blissful. I felt the weight, I didn't knew I had, on my shoulders disappear. The second shot led to a fifth one and that one led me to the drunken state I'm in and plenty of empty bottles. I hadn't closed my eyes the whole night, afraid of the nightmares, which were crowding my dreams every time I closed them; another reason for drinking.

I had no idea how I started drinking in the living room and finished in my room. It was all so confusing at the moment. I found the ceiling quite interesting. I stare at it, intently, as if it was talking to me. I was thinking deeply, when something clicked in my mind. People say 'If you love someone let them go. If they love you, they will come back.' That's bullshit. They don't come back! You need to fight for them and let them know you still care. Let them know, whatever thing that came in your way of being together didn't matter. Realization hit me. What the heck I'm doing here!

I grabbed all my will and wincing sat up on the bed. It took me a while to adjust my eyes. A bright light came from the window. The shiny fierce light of the sun clashed against my orbs. I closed them for a second. Everything around me was spinning. I felt like a spin bumping against every wall. When I was sure I wasn't dizzy, I slowly opened my eyes. I stood up, proud of my advance, but fell back to the bed. This is going to be hard.

After plenty of attempts and failing miserably I, finally, stood up firmly. I walked in a slow pace to the bathroom. My vision was a bit blurry; I almost smashed with the wall. I opened the bathroom door and was left speechless, with my mouth slightly parted, when I saw my reflection in the mirror. Saying I looked like Godzilla was an understatement, I looked... there were, really, no words to describe how I looked.

My once brushed dirty blonde hair was now packed with knots and was in all directions. My gaze went to my eyes. My, once, sprightly blue eyes were dark and red. Below them, black shadows adorned them miserably. They looked as if someone punched them, taking their rage against them. The blush that covered my cheeks was no longer there. Instead, they were replaced by a pale color.

I sighed and open the tap water. Grabbing the water in my palms, I splashed it on my face. The cold water woke up my senses. I grabbed two pills of Advil from the cupboard on top. I threw them to the back of my mouth, quickly, gulping them down with my saliva. They landed with a thug on my empty stomach. My stomach growled, indicating it was starving.

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