Chapter 26

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Hey lovely people:) I found time to write and publish it in between exams. Luckily school gave us a week off until the next row of exams. Sorry for the wait, but here you have the chapter. This one took me a while. *This includes a smutty scene*;) ENJOY!  So I want to dedicate this chapter to Aliena6194 because she wrote the sexy scene below and because she is also a great writer. So go show her some love and check her out!


 Rosie's POV

I paced back and forth in front of the wooden door deciding whether to knock on it or walk away. I sat on the stairs thinking what I should do. The rain outside became stronger than before, probably, making the people outside to rush and find shelter. Massaging my temples won't make the solution appear magically, but a slight pounding crawled into my head. I shivered underneath my wet clothes. When I left the shop earlier it immediately started pouring, drenching me. There was no use in looking for cover; I was already douse in water. If I came here was for something, I couldn't back down right there. The decision was made, I was going to knock.

I lifted my hand and clenched my fist, with a swift movement I knocked on the door regretting it as soon as my fist collided with the wooden material. Nothing. The door remained closed and I was about to leave when it opened stopping me right on tracks. Snap! He did open it. A part of me expected him to not open the door and just ignore it, but the bigger part of me wanted, yearned, so bad for him to.

"Rosie? What are you doing here?" The voice I missed rang through my ears making every inch of my heart melt slowly. Oh! How I long to hear his sweet yet raspy voice. Maybe it was the fact that I haven't heard it in a while, but it sounded different. It sounded husky, uneven, tired, and hoarse. The light or life that his voice had wasn't there anymore. I stared at him; confusion and bewilderment were visible on his face, probably at my sudden show up at his door steps. A small smile replaced them. It wasn't wide enough to show his dimples and white pearls, but enough to show sympathy. He moved from the door and let me in.

Talking was better to do outside; the house was a complete mess. It literary looked as if a hurricane passed in the house. Cans of beer and boxes of pizza were dispersed around the living room. There was even a slice of pizza top of the T.V. When I turned my gaze to look at Jake, I was shocked. Was he only wearing a towel when I arrived?! His hair was tousled and a tad darker and wet. A white towel covered his lower region leaving his chest exposed; it had some droplets of water. I felt myself blush at the fact that the only thing that was averting him from being completely nude was a single, white cloth. He noticed it because he chuckled. How can someone have bags under their eyes and be tired and still look like a sex god? The question rambled inside my head until he spoke.

"Sorry, I just got out of the shower." He smirked and slowly started walking my way. "But why are you wet?"

"It’s pouring outside." I said shyly. Silence invaded the room. The small talk we had was awkward, like we were two strangers with a common past and we just met. It's sad that we came to this point where we shared everything to treating each other like complete foreigners.

"Come, I will lend you some dry clothes." He guided me to the familiar hallway straight to his bedroom. The room was tidy just like his living room. Its curtains were closed making the room darker and eerie. It smelled like a pub; beer and smoke. He walked to his drawers and after a while of rummaging, he handed me a grey baggy sweat and a shirt. I made my way to the bathroom silence still behind us. As I discarded the wet clothes, I thought how the heck we landed on the situation we are oblivious to each other. I walked out from the bathroom with my wet clothes in one hand and laid them on the table along with my phone. The bedroom was empty so I walked to the living room to find a bare chest Jake sitting on the couch absentmindedly strumming his guitar.

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