Chapter 30

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Rosie's POV

"Babe, I'm hungry." Jake whined in my ear.

"You have two hands and two legs, go make it yourself." I rolled on the bed trying to find a comfortable position. He then, pulled me closer to his chest whilst I tried to concentrate on sleeping and not on his bare chest pressed against me.

Yesterday I spent my day with Nikki since we haven't seen each other for a time then and we had a good time. All we did was eat junk food, catch up, and see movies until early hours of the next day when we decided to catch some sleep. I didn't get any because at 11 Jake was already picking me up.

"Aren't girls suppose to be in the kitchen while the guy sits in bed?"

"That's sexist.  Now leave and let me sleep!" I heard him chuckle and I suppose he stood up because his hot breath wasn't on my neck anymore. The door was closed gently. I decided to let the blackness consume me as I drifted off.

After a while my eyes fluttered open, I decided to continue sleeping and closed my eyes. Snuggling deeper on the pillow, I let a big breath. When I was falling, deeply, into sleep, kisses were given to me. The familiar lips left soft kiss from my ear travelling slowly down to my jaw. I tried to suppress the small laugh that wanted to leave my mouth.

"C'mon baby, food is done." He said while kissing my jaw and neck in between each word. "I know you're hungry babe, wake up." His lips stayed a bit longer on my neck. My sweet spot was easy to found. He nibbled mildly and licked the spot that drove me over the edge.

When I couldn't endure the small moan that was fighting to leave my lips, I turned around. He shot me one of his famous innocent looks. "Nice way of waking me up." I tried to sound annoying but the grin on my face told otherwise.

"Don't say you don't like it." His lips touched mine softly. Just that simple gesture made me smile in the kiss.

"I did. What time is it?"

"Two, already time for you to wake up. You look like a complete mess." He stood up from the bed and headed to leave the room.

"Not a nice thing to say when you just woke up a girl, bad move Jake, bad move." He snickered at my comment.

"I love you too babe."

After washing my face, I went to the kitchen to find the table already set. I was surprised when I saw the well-decorated lasagna on the table. I sat across from Jake who had a huge grin plastered on his face.

"You really cooked this?" Surprise was the only emotion that could describe what I was feeling. I grabbed one of the toasted breads and oh god, it tasted better than what it looks.

"I did, love. Just for you." I sipped on my juice. Something wasn't right. Jake doesn't even know how to make a sandwich to say the least. To correct my assumption, a bag from La Lasagna was thrown to the side of the counter. I knew he didn't do this.

"Oh really, so why is there a bag of delivery on the counter."

"Well ok, I didn't do this, but can I treat my girl how she deserves?" I chuckled at the posh accent he tried to do but failed miserably.

"I knew this was too good to be true." We started digging on our food and as predictable it was delicious. I didn't know I was hungry until my stomach started  yelling when I swallowed the first bite.


After lunch we just lounged  in the living room enjoying each other's company. My head was on his chest while his arms engulfed me in a natural heat. His hands brushed my hair untangling the few knots I had. The silence that enclosed us was comfortable; we were submerged on our thoughts, on our own problems. I tried to restrain the thought of me walking through aisle while Harry waited me on the other side off of my mind but it kept crawling back. Thinking about that, made my stomach revolt in aversion.

I groaned. "I'm bored, let's play a game." I sat properly on the couch with my legs crossed. He straightened himself and moved his probably stiff bum and looked amusedly at me.

"What you want to do?"

"C'mere give me your hand. " I put them on the air, his palms facing. My hands, I laid them on his; one of them inside and the other outside. "Now try to hit me, if you do you win."

He raised a brow. "And this is the amazingly fun game you came up with? Really nice." Sarcasm dripping his voice. "And what do I win if I beat you."

"Umm.. what about an amazing shower together and great breakfast tomorrow." His smile grew at my offer. "And what do I get?"

"I would give you-" The phone started ringing cutting Jake off. I stood up from the comfortable couch and picked up the phone.


At first the person on the other line didn't spoke, but I knew he or she was there; I could hear the breathing. The person took me off guard when he spoke. I was about to hang up on him but what he told me startle me. I made him say it again because it was unbelievable.  My knees gave in and I fell to the ground with tears falling uncontrollably from my eyes. When he continued explaining me what happened the more I felt it surreal.

My breathing was hectic and my heart felt too big for my chest I felt as if at any time it would explode. The man continued talking, explaining me everything that happened, but I didn't listen my mind was a complete mess. Non coherent thoughts were running through my mind. Why? How?  The person on the other line hung up. More tears rolled down my cheeks. I didn't notice Jake was crouched next to me until he shook me slightly.

"Rosie please tell me what happened!" Instead of answering him I threw my hands over him, hugging him tightly. A wide smile spread across my face when I pulled away. Tears were still falling, but I couldn't stop them. "Now I'm worried. You are crying and smiling. What happened? Is this some of your weird period mood swings."

I laughed at his bluntness. That's what I did. I told him about what Marcus, my dad, told me. Apparently, he  thought about it hard enough and realized, and I quote, "I was fool for thinking about putting my own happiness over yours and I realized none of all the things I have would ever compare to the love I have for you Rosie, I love you." Jake listened carefully with no emotion on his face. Marcus told me he denied Lionel's offer and when he told Marissa she "flipped shit"; I never thought I would hear my dad cursing but hey, there is a first time for everything.

Marissa was so into money she left the house for the night and went to her sister's house. He told me that Lionel after some hard talking with Harry agreed on him and decided to lend him the money with no marriage in between because "that's what friends do". Marcus decided he would sell the big house and move into a smaller apartment alone since he thinks my mom was all over him because of his money and I personally agree.

Jake hugged me when I finished relating what the phone call was about. He pulled me up to my feet. "I told you we were going to get through this, though I didn't know it would be this fast." He snickered at his own confession.

"We did it. We fucking did it!" I laughed because that was the only thing I could do.

"We certainly did." I clashed my lips against him kissing him hungrily. His hands went to my thighs and I took that opportunity and jumped, without breaking the kiss, wrapping my legs around his waist; his hands on my bum supporting me. I tangled my hands on his hair pulling it mildly as an instinct. The kiss got more heated when he squeezed my ass.

He broke the kiss inhaling the air his lungs were missing. "I feel like taking that shower now ." A mischievous grin tugged his lips showing off his right dimple; typical Jake.

"And I couldn't agree more." I kissed him back but this time with more force than before. He walked to the bedroom with me tangled on his waist.

I will start posting weekly if my wifi let me. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.




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