Chapter 34

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So from now on a chapter will be divided into days. At the start I will indicate which day is and when the day is over and another start you will be noticed. The days not necessarily will be long but they will be long enough to describe what happened. Hope that was clear enough for you guys to understand.

Sorry for all the time I took to update. I know people are getting uninterested because of the amount of time I take to update, I understand, I would be too and if you're not and you are from the ones that keep reading, then thank you so much! Right now, school is being a pain in the ass. Tests are given almost every week, but I found time to write and finally update.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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D A Y  1

Rosie's POV

I didn't want to open my eyes afraid of what I may find in front of me. This was dream. It needed to be one. This can't be happening to me. The constant thought of death lingered in my mind, it was always there reminding me of the condition I was in. My stomach growled, I was hungry so hungry I could easily eat a horse, but the people that kidnapped didn't planned on feeding me anytime soon.

Jake. In all this madness, his name crossed my mind. Would he be worried about me? Would he notice I never got home? I wanted to see him. I wanted him to be here with me. I wanted for him to soothe me with his voice and the stroking of his hand on my back, but that was not going to happen. I was hoping in vain for something that was far from my reach.

Tears fell from my eyes like a never ending waterfall as reality hit me. I was never going to get out of here. These people would probably kill me and dump my body in a dumpster. Sobs escaped my lips as the images of it all flashed in my mind. I don't want to die, I don't. A headache started to form, piling with all the pain I was feeling.

I was seated in a chair, a wooden chair to be exact. The chair was in a corner or next to a wall; I rested my head on it while I tried to control my sobs. My hands were tightly tied to the armrest while my legs were secured to the legs of the chair. I tried to move my wrists hoping it will loosen the knot, but it only caused them to hurt more. My back stiffed from being in the same position for a long time and my neck ached. I didn't know how many hours have passed since I have been on this chair, but it sure felt like years.

Wanting to see where I was, I opened my eyes. The first thing I noticed was how dusty and filthy the room was. I was surely in a basement, the stairs on the opposite side of the room said so. There was nothing in the room except for a bunch of spider webs scattered on every corner. The only source of light came from a single window. The sun outside wasn't fervent enough indicating it was late in the afternoon.

I frantically searched for a door; it wasn't going to be useful, but I had nothing else to do. My breath got caught in my throat making me choke on it. There was a rack filled with different kind of knives. On the floor was a rifle and an ax. Then hanging next to the knives were two guns. The amount of weapons on a single place made the hair on my back stand. Are they going to use those on me?

Voices could be heard outside the room. Scared, I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep. The individuals that were talking never came in the room, but I decided to keep my eyes closed in case they decided to check on me. As time passed, my eyes got heavy and I started to feel numb. I eventually drifted back into darkness.

D A Y  2

Jake's POV

It has been two days since I heard anything about Rosie. The first night she didn't come home after work, I thought she left early to meet up with Nikki or she went shopping, but my suspicions were wrong when I called Nikki and asked her about Rosie. She didn't knew anything about her. I was worried because I didn't know where she was and so was Nikki. The afternoon came and I didn't hear a word from her. I tried calling her phone but all it did was go to voicemail.

It had been two days and I'm dying not knowing where she went or if she had an accident and she was in the hospital; I didn't know what to think or do. I went to the police to report her missing, but all they told me was to wait, I can't wait when she is out there probably hurting. These two days had been torture for me. It was as if the half of me was missing and I was a zombie, unable to feel or do anything again until my other half was next to me.

The apartment was big for me; I felt alone. I wanted to be alone. Nothing made sense to me. I was living yet I wasn't. Something was not right, my gut was telling me and I could feel it, but I didn't know what it was. I sat on the edge of the bed with my phone in hand hoping she would call and tell me she was with her dad or she got locked in Target after shopping or anything, all I wanted was to hear her voice and know she was alright.

I was sure hours have passed and I was in the same position. Chris had been calling me and Nikki was texting me non-stop, but I couldn't answer them. What if Rosie called and I was in the phone with Chris? I couldn't risk losing the only chance I had to know her condition, so I stayed there looking at the screen on my phone while my mind was filled with thoughts I didn't want to acknowledge.

A noise pulled me out of the trance I was in. It was the sound I was dreading to hear since Rosie went missing. The ringing of the phone. Am I dreaming? The phone rang again. I ran to the living room as fast as I could bumping with tables on the way, but it all was worth it. It was her, finally I could her voice and she would tell me she was alright. I picked the phone and with shaking hands I put it on my ear. No one talked, the background was silent. Was this some kind of joke?

"Hello? Rosie is that you?" I spoke softly through the speakers. It was her the caller-id flashed her number on the screen. Maybe she was afraid I would be mad at her for disappearing, but I'm not. I tried again, "Rosie, baby if it's you please answer me." I pleaded.

The noise that followed made goosebumps appear on my skin, it made a big knot on my throat. It never ceased, instead it grew and it became piercing, agonizing. After a few seconds of pain, the line went dead. What had happened? I fell to my knees unable to comprehend what happened seconds ago. Was it really her? It was her scream, I was sure it was hers. The scream was filled with pain and agony. It was Rosie's and she was in pain and I couldn't do anything to help her.

The scream was nothing compared to the screams I have heard in movies or the scream a girl let out when she scrapped a knee, this one was filled with misery, agony, a desperate pain. I didn't know I was crying until I felt the tingly sensation of the tears running down my cheeks. What could she be going through to scream that way? Was she being tortured? If she was then that meant she was kidnapped, but by who. She was possibly dying of pain and I couldn't do anything to help her.

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