Chapter 37

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Jake’s POV

Polices were scattered on the living room of my apartment with radios and a big machine in the table that could track any call and tell us the immediate location of the phone or the person who placed the call. General Rodriguez or how he obliged us to call him— Mario— entered with coffee and breakfast in hand for us— the three officers, including him, Marcus and me. Since that day at the police station when we talked to Mario about our situation, he said in order to find Rosie we needed to track the call. The tracker will be connected to my phone and as soon as I answer the call, the machine will last a minute on tracking the call.

It’s been two days since he has installed it in my apartment and all we had got is nothing due to the fact that whoever is calling just let us hear Rosie’s agonizing scream and cries and as soon as the kidnapper called, the call would end not lasting the minute the machine needs to get the exact location. Every time the unknown caller hung up before the limit, an angry groan leave my lips and I get more and more anxious at the fact I don’t know how or where she is.

What hurts the most is that, it has been five days since Rosie was kidnapped. Five days of hearing her agonizing scream and pleas nonstop. I thought her kidnappers were doing this for money or some kind of valuable thing, but I noticed with the time of them calling that the point of all this was to hurt me emotionally. Every time another person picked the call, the other line would stay silent, but as soon as a simple word as “hello” left my lips Rosie’s scream could be heard and I would fall on my knees with tears streaming down my face. The reason that person is doing that is unknown for all us.

I was sitting in the corner with my head in my hands thinking about Rosie and all the time we had spent together. All the memories came flashing through my mind like flashlights making me realize she is not here with me and  that realization crushed me. The fact that I wake up every morning knowing she is not with me, but she is out there God knows where and probably hurt, that made me realize I am no good for her; it made me realize I am the one guilty for the situation she is in.

Ever since me and Rosie got together my past demons and dangerous situations came crashing on us hurting Rosie in the process. I was no good for her and I should have taken my dad’s advice on leaving her before she got hurt in a more severe situation and that is what happened. Rosie is too good for me and I am now starting to realize it. I am determined on finding her and ending this relationship no matter how bad it hurt both of us, it would all be for her best.

She is better off without me and I would do whatever it takes to make her realize it, even if I hurt myself in the process. If she stays with me it will only cause more pain and the love we feel for each other won’t fix it. I was foolish for thinking she was good for me and we could be happy. Ha! I was dumb, it is better if we go our separate ways for her health and my own sake. I couldn’t bear seeing her hurt because of me not if I can prevent it.

“What are you thinking about?” Mario asked while crouching beside me.

“I was reminiscing. I was thinking about Rosie and all the things we did together before we fell into hell itself.” I said playing with the loose thread on my pants.

“Don’t worry kid, we will find her. She didn’t vanish from the face of Earth, she is somewhere near.” He rested his hand on my shoulder giving it a light squeeze.

I wasn’t sure of how he would react at my question but I needed someone to talk to and I won’t talk to Marcus about my relationship with her daughter and I won’t call Chris or Nikki and talk about my relationship doubts with them adding to theirs and the worry of not knowing where Rosie is. The only person left I could talk to is a man in his mid-fifties.

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