Popular!Prussia x Shy!Nerd!Reader-Party?

Start from the beginning

"What? Why me?" I ask in shock

"You have the highest grades in my class." She replies "If you do this Ill give you extra credit."

I don't need extra credit in this class at all, however it would make my parents proud of me and it would look good on resumés and things.

"Fine." I sigh and she smiles

"Great, Gilbert you can retake the test on Monday, you have tonight and the weekend." The teacher says happily

I walk back to my desk to gather my things and Gilbert waits for me. When I walk out of the class I'm bombarded with Gilbert talking to me.

"So are jou really going to be tutoring zhe awesome me?" He asks

"Y-Yeah I guess, we should begin tonight." I reply

"But I have a party tonight." He sighs

"W-Well I think your test grades are more important." I say standing up straight to appear taller but he is still much taller than me

"Jou know vhat, jou're right." He says smirking "Meet me at my house tonight, here's zhe address, bring jour books und vhatever."

He hands me a piece of paper with his address and I tell him I'll be there around five. I head home and change out of my school clothes into a pair of black leggings, a t-shirt and an oversized (f/c) jumper for the cold weather. I gather my books and things in a backpack and look over Gilbert's address.

It doesn't seem fake and I don't see any reason why Gilbert would lie to me so I guess I should go. I have a quick dinner and leave for the house on the address. When I arrive I see a beautiful large mansion with a long driveway and a fountain in the front.

This is Gilbert's house? No he must have given me the wrong address... the gates are wide open so I walk up the path and inside I can hear loud music. I get already bad feeling as I knock on the door.

"Hey (Y/n)" Gilbert says as he answers the door "You don't look dressed for a party."

"No kidding, you said we where going to study." I reply forgetting my shyness and it being replaced with anger

"Vell I'm going to teach jou somezhing, how to loosen up und have fun!" He exclaims and pulls me inside the house happily "Zhis is my house, well technically my Vater's but he is out of town so I'm having a birthday party."

"For who?" I ask

"Me, it's my birthday today!" He says and walks off into the crowd

"No Gilbert don't...leave" I say, allowing my voice to become quieter as he walks away

I look around and realise that these are all the popular kids at my school. I look so out of place right now. I walk to the kitchen in hopes I can hide and I lean on the counter.

"Hey Chica." A Spanish-accented voice says


I look up and I see Antonio smiling happily.

"Hello." I say shyly

"Why are you here? I didn't think Gilbert would invite you." He says

He doesn't realise but his words actually strike me deep inside my heart, it hurts when people don't think you're worth being invited to a party...

"I was actually here to tutor Gilbert, but he is having a party instead." I sigh looking outside, it's getting dark and it's beginning to snow "I think I should be getting home, I don't fit in here."

I only lasted about twenty minutes at this party and I'm already leaving. I walk out the front door and down the driveway where snow is beginning to pile up. I walk down the street and stop at the small playground. I guess I can wait a few more minutes before going home. I walk over to the pair of swings and sit down in one.

I just need to gather my thoughts, Gilbert lied to me, I was forced into a party completely unprepared and worse of all I was told that it was a surprise I was invited. Do the people at school really think that low of me? I wipe a tear from my cheek but they keep falling.

Prussia's P.O.V.
The awesome me has been looking for (Y/n) for about ten minutes now and I cant find her anywhere. I accidentally left her at the entrance because I saw Gilbird and I wanted to show him to (Y/n). She is just so cute and I wanted to share something special with her.

I know I lied to get her to come but I'm sure she is having an awesome time. But again, I can't find her anywhere. She isn't in the bathroom, on the dance floor or in the kitchen. I walk over to Antonio who is flirting with Lovino.

"Have you seen (Y/n)?" I ask him

"Si, but she left twenty minutes ago." He replies


Wait she left? Does she hate parties that much? I look outside and I can see thick snow. I need to go make sure she is alright.

I pull on my coat and rush outside, I know her address because I may or may not have looked it up... I run down the street and pass a small playground before walking back to it and seeing (Y/n) on the swing.

I walk over to her and she looks up, with frozen tears on her face.

"What's wrong liebe?" I ask, kneeling down to meet her face

"It's nothing..." she whispers

"I know it's not nothing." I say but she doesn't answer me

I wrap my arms around her and I can feel her shivering body against mine. I quickly wrap my warm coat around her and pick her up bridal style.

"What are you doing?" She asks shocked "Where are we going?"

"Shh I'm taking you back to your house." I reply "I'm sorry for lying about the party."

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I look into Gilbert's red eyes and see the sincerity in the apology, but I still don't feel better.

"It's not just the part and lying." I sigh "I don't fit in, especially not with the popular group. I'm shy and nerdy while all those girls are beautiful and amazing. Why did you even invite me?"

"Because I vanted to celebrate my birthday vith jou, jou are beautiful und amazing und awesome." He says holding me tighter "Listen (Y/n), ich liebe dich And I don't want you to talk lowly about jourself again."

(German:Ich liebe dich)

I blush at his confession and he presses a kiss to my temple

"So what do you say?" He asks "Viill jou Be my girlfriend?"

I nod carefully, fearing what he is saying is some sort sick joke but then he presses his lips to mine, proving he is genuine,

"I promise I won't put you in any sort of situation like that again." He says and pets my hair

We make it to my house and I unlock the door. My parents aren't home yet so I invite Gilbert inside for warmth.

"It's kind of funny, I had a whole party for me but jou're the only one I vanted to be with." He says smiling

I grab one of the cupcakes we have for school lunches and put a candle into it.

"This can be your cake." I giggle

He gasps and I feel the nervous feeling wash over me.

"What?" I ask

"Zhat is zhe first time I've heard jou giggle, it suits jou." He says brushing some hair out of my face

I light the candle and softly sing happy birthday to Gilbert. He blows out the candle and smiles at me.

"Vant to know vhat I vished for?" He asks

"You can't tell me, or else it won't come true." I reply

"I wished that I could make you happy." He says and presses his lips to mine

I kiss back and place my hands in his hair.

"Well I guess your wish came true." I giggle kissing him again

Hetalia Oneshots & Lemons *Requests Open*Where stories live. Discover now