Chapter 117

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Richard woke up with a start and was a bit disoriented. He then remembered falling asleep while leaning on his brother's tombstone. After looking around and finding his bearings, he slowly stood up and went back to his car.

He arrived home to two worried parents who wondered where he was after getting a call from Mary Anne that Richard left 2-hours ago. After much debate and with his car keys confiscated, he wasn't allowed to leave the house until Rio was satisfied that he had gotten enough rest. Richard just begrudgingly followed.

The forced rest did him good though. He fell asleep almost immediately once his back hit the bed. This time his dreams were abstract and his brother didn't haunt him. He had a restful sleep and he got the much needed rest his family wanted for him.

Richard was on the road again heading back to the hospital after exactly 8-hours of sleep. He admitted needing the rest and thanked his mother profusely for forcing him to do so when he got ready to leave again.

With his guitar and a packed dinner fit to feed a small community strapped firmly at the back of his car, he reached the hospital in record time.

"See how a good amount of sleep would do for you?" Mary Anne said as Richard handed her the packed dinner that Rio made for them.

Richard just smiled and helped her with the unpacking.

"How's Maine?" He asked.

"Still no change," she replied. "But Dr. Vega said the test results will be ready later. He'll stop by to give us the results and our options on how to move forward."

Richard just nodded in understanding. He and Maine's mom continued to unpack and began segregating their food to offer to the hospital staff and some companions of other patients in their floor. Ted came in a few minutes later.

"Good timing," Mary Anne said with a smirk. "You need to go down again and get some paper plates and cups. Rio gave us too much food as always."

"Your mom never got her portions right," Ted said to Richard which the younger man smiled.

"Ironically, sir," he replied. "She only does it for other people. When she cooks for us, she gets her servings right."

"Thank her for us nonetheless," Ted remarked. "In the meantime, leave Me-Ann with the food. Join me downstairs and help me out with the errand."

Richard reluctantly put down the container that he was holding and with one last furtive look at Mary Anne, who just smiled and nodded at him, he slowly followed Ted outside. Even though he and Maine's dad were on good terms, Richard still found Ted intimidating. He always made sure that he was at his best when he was with Maine's dad, never giving the older man reason to find him not suitable for his daughter. Ted kept a conversation flowing while they were doing Mary Anne's errands. Richard kept pace, answering his questions and giving his opinions when asked.

"How are you holding up, son?" Ted asked as he led Richard to a coffee shop beside the store they went to for their errands.

"I'm doing my best to keep it together, sir," he replied honestly.

Ted reached out and held the younger man by his shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. He said, "Maine will pull through. We have to believe in that."

Richard smiled and nodded an affirmative.

"I saw that you brought your guitar with you tonight," Ted said. "Are you planning to play for her?"

Richard nodded again and replied, "it usually calms her whenever I play for her. I'm hoping that I would reach her like I was able to do before when I first met her."

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