Chapter 21

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The Faulkersons and the Mendozas were placed on adjacent rooms in the hospital. Alden was still in a coma while Maine was constantly being sedated as the pain in her heart hadn't subsided.

Rio was able to call her husband whom she was separated from. Rick immediately responded and said that he would come home to be with her and their son as soon as possible.

Maine's condition continued to deteriorate. Dr. Vega has been constantly monitoring her progress and had looked grim each time.

"It's as if she doesn't want to recover," Dr. Vega told her parents one time after checking up on her.

Alden was no different. While the heart beats, his brain activity was weak. Rio kept constant vigil at his side, begging for him to get better.

Alden's friends came to visit them, which shocked Maine's parents as they didn't realize that Alden's friends were praying for her to get better as well. But Maine wasn't responding to treatments. And she continued to get worse.

One week passed and the news that Maine's parents dreaded came.

Dr. Vega had just finished reading her latest ECG and 2-D Echo and he led Maine's parents to his office to break the news.

"Maine had gotten worse in this short span," Dr. Vega reported. "As much as I was trying to prevent this, a transplant is the only way for Maine to get better."

"Maine needs a heart?" Mary Anne asked as she looked at her husband with worry.

"Yes," Dr. Vega answered. "With your permission, I'll make the necessary arrangements. There are a few heart candidates that I can check if they would be compatible to Maine."

Her parents could only nod in agreement. But husband and wife were worried since getting a compatible heart for their daughter would not be easy.

They were led back to Maine's room afterwards. Dr. Vega was with them giving them some details on how he would go about the short list of possible candidates for the heart.

They found Rio outside of Alden's room sitting on one of the benches. Dr. Vega greeted her and after asking about Alden, took his leave.

"Rio," Mary Anne called. "How are you holding up?"

Rio gave a weak smile to her friend and replied, "Dr. Cariño is inside at the moment, checking Alden. I just couldn't stand there when he's being checked. What about you? How is Maine?"

"She needs a transplant," Ted answered in resignation. "She's gotten worse."

"Oh, that sweet girl," Rio cried as her heart went out to Maine's parents. Both of them might have the same predicament at the moment but Maine's parents have been hoping for positive improvements since they moved here. Now, they were back to where they started. She looked at the closed door where Dr. Carino was still inside with his son. 'If only...'

"When is your husband arriving?" Mary Anne asked to change subject.

Rio cleared her throat and replied, "he arrived today. He texted an hour ago and said that he's on his way. He should be arriving soon. He mentioned that he'll head directly here from the airport."

"That's good," Ted remarked as he reached out to place a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You shouldn't be alone in this."


All three heads turned but only two pairs of eyes were shocked at what they saw.

A young man who looked exactly like Alden came rushing towards them. He had the same hair and build, with the same fairness in his skin. The only difference was that this one wasn't wearing glasses and he has a small pockmark on his right cheek. At his back, he seemed to be carrying a guitar.

"Oh my God!" Mary Anne exclaimed, one hand on her mouth, the other reached out to her husband for support.

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