Chapter 97: MHIYxTJ Crossover

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"Hey, are you feeling okay?" RJ asked, looking at Dei with concern. They were at the airport, trying to get to the boarding area on time, and he had been noticing how Dei was touching her tummy a lot. He also noticed a couple of times how she would wince or bite her lip secretly.

"Yea, I'm fine."

"No, you're not. What's going on?" RJ stopped walking and pulled Dei's hand to stop her too.

"I'm fine, it's just my tummy. It's been cramping a lot since this morning," she answered.

"What? Why didn't you tell me? We could've cancelled our flight until you're feeling better," RJ told her reproachfully.

"I'm fine, babe. It's just mild cramping. It's normal, especially with the twins."

RJ sighed and held out his hand for her bag. "Let me hold your bag and just hold Athena's hand instead. We don't need to walk too fast, we still have enough time. Athena, hold on to mommy's hand for now."

But Athena wasn't paying attention. Her eyes were fixed on the airport K9 - a black Labrador Terrier. She was staring at the dog, fascinated by its shiny black fur and the way it was lounging lazily at one corner, with its human partner standing right beside it.

As RJ began to speak again, Dei suddenly bent over in pain, and he let go of Athena's hand to help Dei up and rub her back with his palm.

"Dammit, babe. This isn't mild cramping at all. What are you feeling?"

"There's a sharp pain on my right abdomen. The twins are moving a lot," Dei answered, heaving.

"Do you need to sit down? Or we can go to the airport clinic. There should be an airport clinic here somewhere," RJ said as he looked around the area.

"Daddy, wook!" Athena said, tugging RJ's shirt. "That dog is so cute. Can I touch hew, daddy?"

"Just one moment, princess. Mommy's in pain," RJ said distractedly.

"Okay, daddy," Athena said, misunderstanding his words. She slowly walked towards the spot where the dog was lounging in, and smiled at it as she approached.

"Hello, little girl. How can I help you?" The guard standing beside the dog asked.

"Is that yow dog?"

"Yep! Well actually, she's the airport dog," the guard answered, smiling at Athena.

"Is she nice?"

"Yea, she is, but not to bad people."

"Teena not bad. Can I touch hew?"

"Sure. Be gentle, okay?" The guard crouched beside the dog and held his harness firmly

"Kay," Athena said as the guard crouched beside the dog and held his harness firmly. She stepped nearer and started patting the dog's head, and she giggled when the dog closed its eyes and pushed its head into her hand, seemingly enjoying her touch. "Teena want dog too."

"Dogs are nice pets, and Labradors, like Lexi here, love kids too."

Athena smiled at the man and continued to pet the dog while it contentedly pushed its head to her palm, sometimes even giving it a gentle lick that made her giggle. After a few more moments, she turned, wanting to show her mom and dad how she was holding the dog. When she did, however, she couldn't see her mom and dad anymore. Instead there was a long queue of people on the area she thought she had come, and they were lining up on one of the gates, ready to be boarded.

"Ummm..." she took a deep breath and scanned the area, her hand dropping from the dog's head as she looked around, no longer sure where she had left her mom and dad.

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