Chapter 15

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Over the weeks, the bike ride continued. Alden showed Maine some other parts of their subdivision. But they would always return to the park, where the little nook at the oak tree would be waiting for them. They would spend the rest of the afternoon at the park, reading books or playing board games that Maine would have brought for that day. There were also moments during weekdays that they would do their homework under that tree. It became a special place for Alden and Maine.

Maine has greatly improved as well. There was color in her cheeks and she didn't get tired easily anymore.

So it was a shock to Alden one afternoon on his way home from school when he saw Dr. Vega coming out of the Mendoza's residence, giving last minute instructions to Jenny. He hurriedly tried to catch up with the good doctor before he could get into his car.

"Doc Burnz!" Alden called as he sprinted the short distance between him and the doctor.

"Alden," Doc Burnz stopped and waited for him to arrive. "You're a bit late today. Maine said you're usually here by 4pm."

"I was with a study group for our finals next week," he explained. Then he quickly added, "what happened? Is she alright?"

Dr. Vega saw the worry on Alden's face that he sighed and said, "she had a relapse."

Before Alden could voice his concern, Dr. Vega continued, "don't worry, it's really a natural progression in her condition. You see Alden, her body is now beginning to cope with her activities. She's been walking and has been traveling, even if it's just short distance. Her body is now trying to adjust. Naturally, her heart will be affected. It wasn't used to being too active. Now her body is developing, trying to cope with all her activities. So now, we need to have a good balance between her activities so that we can help her body cope."

"What should I do, Doc?" Alden asked after carefully trying to understand Maine's condition.

"You will not like what I'm about to say," replied the doctor. "I understand that you've replaced some of her walks to bike rides. She would need to lessen the bike rides. Once a week is my recommendation. But her walks continue to be at 8-10minutes."

"The bike ride has affected her more than the walks?" Alden inquired. "She's just sitting there. How could it affect her more?"

"Traveling takes its toll on the body," Dr. Vega explained. "Like I've said before, even if you're just sitting, your body will feel everything. It put a strain on Maine's body. It's better for her body to be moving around than for her body to stay immobile but would experience different sensations."

"Maybe next time I'll just teach her how to bike," Alden muttered. While listening to Dr. Vega he couldn't help but think that it was all his fault. He blamed himself for Maine's relapse.

"That's actually not a bad idea, Alden," the doctor remarked. Alden was a bit surprised that he said his thought out loud. Dr. Vega gave a short chuckle and continued, "I'd have recommended it if we'd met during regular consultation but since we're here now, I'd rather have Maine move around rather than do nothing and still get strained. So, teaching her how to ride a bike is a good idea now."

Alden smiled shyly and pushed his glasses to the ridge of his nose.

"Can I see her?" Alden asked.

"It would actually depend on Jenny," Dr. Vega answered pointing at the nurse who was still by the gate watching them. "She's on bed rest for the week. But I would suggest the walks resume after another week."

The doctor bid his good bye and drove away leaving Alden with Jenny. Before Alden could say anything Jenny beat him to it.

"She's currently sleeping, Alden," she said. "I don't advise a visit right now. But when she wakes up, I'll tell her you stopped by asking about her. Tell her you're very worried and will just visit her tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?!?" Alden exclaimed. "Ate Jenny, can't I see her later?"

"Alden," Jenny replied. "You know how she gets overly excited when she sees you. She'll stress herself and will relapse some more. As much as I want the two of you to be happy, her health is my first concern. I'll let her reach you on your walkie-talkies."

Alden huffed an exasperated sigh but relented. Jenny was right about Maine being overly excited.

"Mom made ice cream the other day," Alden said, as he tried one more time to see her. "Can I drop by later to give the ice cream?"

"Nice try, Faulkerson," she answered and gave a soft chuckle. "I will be stopping you at the gate. But we'll serve the ice cream later for dessert. She'll like that."

"Ate Jen!"

"Don't start with me, Alden," she remarked. "You and I both know I'm doing the right thing."

Alden sighed. Defeated. He knew she was right. He just nodded and begrudgingly said, "just tell her I'll see her when I'm allowed to see her. But I hope we'll talk on the radio later."

"Yeah," Jenny agreed. "If she wakes up earlier, I'll tell her you'll be waiting by your walkie-talkie waiting for her to reach you."

"Thanks Ate Jenny," Alden said sadly. "I'll drop by later to give the ice cream."

Jenny gave him a sympathetic look as she watched him cross the street towards his home.

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