Bukan Update #1

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Eh kejap, sebelum saya nak mula bebel... Asalamualaikum korang 🌈

Macam biasalah, perkara pertama yang saya buat sebaik sahaja bangun tido ialah check WhatsApp sbb nak tengok kelas cancel ke tak. Alhamdulillah kelas pagi cancel hehehe 🙈🙉🙊. Lepas check WhatsApp, saya check wattpad. And this is what I saw early in the morning....

SERIOUSLAAAHHH????? Last night before I went to sleep it was at #80 or something, dan pagi ni CJP ada kat #19 ???? CJP has nearly reached 40k views????

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SERIOUSLAAAHHH????? Last night before I went to sleep it was at #80 or something, dan pagi ni CJP ada kat #19 ???? CJP has nearly reached 40k views????

KORANG MEMANG THE BEST!!! Haish.... macam manalah saya tak sayang korang macam ni ❤💓💞💕💖

Okaylahhhh sebab korang buat mummy happy pagi-pagi ni, by the end of this week, an update has been guaranteed! InsyaAllah saya akan update satu chapter panjaaaaanng minggu ni untuk raikan kita semua!

Jadi, apa yg korang nak dalam chapter seterusnya? Ilham? Affendy? Anne? Hana? Drop a comment on what you would like me to include in the next chapter, and I'll see whether I can make it into reality or not, ey?

Till then....

You guys are awesome! Ciao! 💐🌈

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