#Bukan Update 2 : Random Rant

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Heyya everyone!

Disclaimer: Saya nak membebel je dalam post ni tau. Kalau nak baca, silakan. Kalau rasa tak perlu, isokay I don't mind. 🤗

First of all, sorry sangat sangat sebab dah lama tak update. When was the last time I updated a chapter? I think it was a day or two before raya, kan? Wth lamanyaaaaa 😱

Long story short, saya sempat beraya selama lima hari je kat kampung because I had to go back to sit for my final examination. #uitmdihatiku 💁 It sucks, but that's what uitm students have to accept every single year.

So... halfway through the examination, I have had a slight mental breakdown. After this one particular paper *ehem* PELT *ehem*, I literally broke down into tears. SEBAB SUSAH SANGAT AND I WAS SO SHOCKED TO SEE THE PAPER LIKE WHAT THE HELL AM I GONNA WRITE HERE HELLO??? Sis tak boleh brain sampai sekarang kenapa paper tu susah sangat 😂😂😂

But the examination period has ended for weeks now. I'm back at home entertaining my niece and my newborn nephew. It's not going to be easy to update (when there are small kids at home). Nevertheless, I'll update. That's a promise.

Cepat atau lambat je.

Harap you all tunggu ya. 🙏

Love yalls muahhh muahh 💋😘😉

P/S saya sendiri pun rindu Abam Fendy dan Hana sangat sangattttt 😭 siapa lagi yg rindu dorang? 🙋

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