Raining Blood

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The wind was blowing in breeze as the trees shake a bit and the air currents starts flowing as usual. Meanwhile, Valian secret agent, 007 also known as James Bond arrived at the airport in his brand new Bentley EXP 10 Speed 6 also known as Royale Swiss given by the new Q to start his first mission into researching about GoldenEye's plan about the satellite called Event Horizon. Less people were at the airport since it wasn't a holiday anymore. Luckily, there were many places for James to park his vehicle. After parking his vehicle, he strolled towards the Mistralian Airship which was already to be boarded.

At the airship, a man wearing a black suit similiar to James and black spectacles was waiting for James by the airship to see his presence. He was also a VI6 secret agent but he's very unknown unlike James Bond. His codename was 001.

"Good morning, 007." said 001 shaking his hand respectfully.

"Good morning, 001." said James politely. "Is this ship ready yet? We both have a mission to do right now."

"Of course, I already fixed the airship before you even arrived here at the airport." he said smiling. "We need to head to Lake Matsu right now, Bill Tanner will give the tasks briefly."


James boarded the Mistralian Airship before it took off from low ground to high ground. He also buckelled his seatbealts for safety and just in case if he fell down from the airship in mid-air. Damn, James knew all his safety measures from his mother, Monica Delacroix Bond. Enough of the reminiscent flashbacks already! During the flight towards Lake Matsu which was quite far from Mistral, James looked out from the window to observe the blue waving gushing the shore like an earthquake, well quite not. He also saw some floating island in mid-way which means they had already arrive at their destination.

"Looks like we're here, Lake Matsu!" said 001 in euthusiasm. "Grab your personal weapons, we're not the only ones here on Lake Matsu."

"You mean there's Grimm storming around these floating islands?" James asked. "There must be some Grimm in these islands."

"There are dragonfly Grimm also known as Lancers. Make sure they don't sting you like does damn mosquitoes."

"Just like what my mother said to me when I was young." James said randomly out of the blues.

001 was the one who controlled the airship which means he parked the airship on one of the islands which looks awesome. James and 001 aboarded their airship and landed on the island. Kind of reminds me of landing on the moon for the first time. Damn it! Without furthur actions, they both roamed around the island to see if they could find some Dust which GoldenEye planted on one of the islands. There were many floating islands in Lake Matsu. Meanwhile out of nowhere, a cargo airship flew pass by the floating islands casually. The pilot was keeping out on the Grimm level while controlling the airship like a real pilot.

In the cargo room, a beautiful ice princess of the Schnee Dust Kingdom I mean Company, Weiss Schnee was looking out from the windows as she admires the view of Lake Matsu because it's one of the most exotic locations in Mistral.

"How close are we to Mistral?" Weiss asked.

"About a few kilometers away, don't worry, we just have to be a bit careful because they're some Grimm in this zone." said the pilot seriously.

Weiss kept admiring the view when he notied a Mistralian Airship was parked on a random island.

"Looks like we're not the only ones here." Weiss said in his head of hers.

The Huntresses Who Loved Me (James Bond Male Reader/OC X RWBY)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang