Chapter 12 : A Barrage Of Blood

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Time To Say Goodbye
Chapter 12: A Barrage Of Blood

Ryan's POV
From where I have left off from just now, I look to my left side and I notice my girlfriend, Honey Ryder faint from the extreme crash. I take out my useful handgun, Ex-Singularity Machina from my right pocket and I exit my high speed BMW V8. I rush towards the horde who surrounds the entire Team RWBY in a pavilion.

"What do we do now? There's no way out of this horrifying situation.", Ruby Rose moves closer to Weiss and unfolds her scythe, Crescent Rose.

"We're totally dead meat.", Blake says unsheathing her katana, Gambol Shroud.

"It there's no way out, we fight our way out!", Yang yells and arms her gauntlets, Ember Celica.

"Yeah, let's do this!", Weiss yells and readies her rapier, Myrtenaster in her hand.

Then, I change my handgun into a blaster and I fire out an explosive large bullet from my blaster. It blasts all the Grimm un the area just to clear the way out. I walk slowly towards the team and make my appearance.

"Took you so long, Mr. Nice Guy.", Yang tells me and bows down to me.

"Thanks, now let's get this over with, shall we?", I ask Ruby and her other teammates.

The four girls nod and ready their powerful weapons. The Grimm get up from their positions and all of them charge towards us. I switch my blaster into a scythe and I shoot down the pack of Beowolves. Ruby takes her turn. She stabs her scythe on the ground and kicks all the Ursai with high velocity. Weiss casts powerful ice spells and kills all the Beolwolves in the large area. Blake grabs onto the car and slices the two Creeps.

He activates her pistol mechanism and shoots down the horde of Grimm coming towards her. Yang punches the Creep but she was launched into the air. She fires out some fire Dust bullets from her gauntlets at the flock of Nevermores. I switch my weapon into gauntlets and I punch the living heck out of the Ursai. A Death Stalker was about to sting me by using its tail but I immediately roll away and I blast the Grimm down.

I switch my gauntlets into a chokuto. Then, I slash the Grimm in the area with high speed and velocity. The Grimm around the area weredeas by now. Then, a King Taijitu was behind me. It tries to bite me but I hold its sharp teeth. I use my powerful strength and I bust the teeth out. Then, I notice Nora Valkyrie flying in the air. She smashes the King Taijitu and recovers her landing.

"Took you long enough, sweetheart.", I say to Nora passing her some Dust.

"Sorry, Ryan. Got into some business!", Nora yells and joins the battle.

I change my chokuto into a rapier and I slash some Grimm. But then, I notice some Bullheads were holvering the air. They were not the Atlesian Military but the SPECTRAL men. They get down from the Bullheads and they arm their assault rifle in their hands.

"Kill that spy!", the man yells and readies his firearm.

The men start to shoot me from my front so I have to take some cover from behind the wall of the building. I switch my weapon into a minigun and I take a deep breath.

"Ryan!", Ruby yells and slashes the Beowolf.

I come out from my cover and I release out a barrage of bullets from my minigun. The bullets hit all all the men one by one painfully. The men scream and yell in a mighty battle cry. I move forward towards the leftover men and keep on firing out a barrage of bullets. Once the the men were dead, I switch my minigun into a handgun. I look up at the sky and I notice the Atlesian Military has just arrived.

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