Chapter 19 : Tomorrow Never Lies

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The city of Vacuo is very sandy and a sandstorm only occurs once every month. Rupert "Ryan" Bond strolled around the city while covering his coat from the sand by using his black blazer. While roaming around the urban city, Rupert encountered a mansion which a party was held in the building. He draw off an invitation card from his pocket of his black blazer and took a short glance at it. He then advanced towards the bouncer of the mansion his invitation card.

"You're invitation card, sir?" asked the bouncer about his invitation card.

Rupert smiled and gave his invitation card to the bouncer of the mansion. The bouncer observed his invitation card and gave him back his invitation card.

"You may proceed. Enjoy yourself at the party." said the bouncer.

"Thanks." he thanked the bouncer for his wise words.

The bouncer bowed down and gave way to the Valian spy. Rupert proceeded towards the ballroom where al the party guest were enjoying the party themselves. Rupert put on his identification shades and observed around the entire mansion. The target was blending himself in the crowd. Then, his girlfriend spy, Paris "Baby" Amour stood right next to Rupert as she was also invited to the party.

"Do you see the target?" Paris asked Rupert about the mission status.

Rupert kept on glancing around the mansion and he finally saw the target who was a man wearing a brown tuxedo and also had a big scar on his face like a gangster. Rupert proceeded to take off his glass and placed them in the pocket of his suit.

"Spotted the target." said Rupert. "Name's Shawn Jefferson. An assistant specialist working for Vincent Friend. Also armed with a Smith and Wesson in his pocket."

"Excellent, the mission is going well as planned." said Paris. "Take down the target as quick as possible before you get caught red-handed by anyone around here."

"Yes, Baby."

"I'll wait by the negotiation room upstairs, Ryan."

Rupert wandered around the table and grabbed himself a glass of champagne. He was right behind the target that he was looking for. Rupert finished drinking his glass of champagne and tapped the target's shoulder. He turned around, looking at Rupert relentlessly.

"Anything, sir?" asked Shawn to Rupert.

"I want to discuss a business negotiation in private." Rupert stated clearly.

"Follow me, I can show you somewhere private so we could discuss about your important business negotiation."

He followed Shawn up the stairs and he waited outside of the negotiation room. Paris was right next to the negotiation room to wait for Rupert to complete his task. Rupert and Shawn entered the private room. Shawn sat down opposite Rupert in the negotiation room. Shawn crossed his arms and started the talking.

"You know I'm not that stupid to recognize you, Mr. Bond." said Shawn.

"Likewise, Mr. Jefferson." said Rupert.

Rupert quickly pullet out his Walther PPK which was already equipped with a silencer from the beginning and levelled his gun at Shawn directly at his face. Shawn showed no sign of impression but just smirked at him.

"Tell me, Mr. Jefferson. Do you really think you could get away with the mastermind plan with Mr. Friend?" Rupert asked Shawn, relentlessly.

"I take it to you, Mr. Bond. Vincent already has a few codes to access his Thunderbolt Satellite for once." said Shawn, smiling evilly.

"Foolish sentiment. I already have the decoders back at base. He can't be able to access his own satellite."

Shawn laughed evilly and paused.

"You really think you have the decoders. Vincent has more of his own codes back in his limosine in Vacuo Hotel Deluxe." explained Shawn.

"Big mistake, Shawn. You already told me the locations of the decoders. It's to late to reep."

"You're already dead by now." said Shawn.

Rupert looked up and his eyes were widened when he saw a sniper turret sighted directly at his face. In mere seconds, Rupert kicked the table laterally upright as a shield. The sniper rifle turret discharged a single bullet at Rupert which was deflected by the table. He shot triple times at the turrent which then exploded like a bomb. He also proceeded to hurl a bullet at Shawn's forehead. A bullet hole appeared on Shawn's forehead which he fell down onto the floor and died by getting shot down. All of the part guests scurried out from the mansion petrified and intimidated.

Paris entered the negotiation room to see a dead Shawn Jefferson lying on the floor.

"Is he dead yet, Ryan?" asked Paris to Rupert about Shawn.

Rupert kicked the lifeless Shawn as he didn't even move a single motion.

"He's dead for sure." said Rupert. "He already told me about the location of the other codes where Vincent is hiding at, Baby."

"Good job, Ryan." Paris said. "I'll go set the bombs in the basement of the mansion to leave no witness."

Paris and Rupert prowled out from the negotiation room and proceeded into heading towards tge basement. They both headed downstairs to the basement of the mansion. Rupert guarded the door while Paris planted the explosives since she's also an expert in nuclear science.

"All done." said Paris, planting the last bomb in the basement. "Let's get out of here for once."

Rupert and Paris traipsed out from the basement and loomed towards the front door of the entrance. In the ballroom, the henchmen were guarding the room to kill those intruders. Rupert and Paris showed their indentities and shot down all the henchmen in the ballroom by discharging a barrage amount of deadly bullets. All the henchmen were killed by the bullets that were hurled by the two Valian secret agents. The bouncer surprised attack Rupert from the ceiling. Rupert kicked his in the crotch and shot him in the chest. He fell onto the floor with a bullet hole in his chest.

Rupert and Paris exited the mansion and headed back to an abandoned alleyway. Rupert unlocked the rented BMW M3 and they both entered the vehicle. He drove his BMW out from the alleyway and headed towards the airport. Paris pressed the detonation button of the remote control explosive. The planted explosives exploded and devastated the entire mansion. Rupert called Charles on his Scroll.

"Bond to MI6. I have located the new codes to the Thunderbolt satellite. It's located in Mr. Friend's personal limosine." said Rupert to Charles.

"Excellent work, 007. I will give you the cordinates to the limosine once you reach to Atlas." stated Charles about the limosine. "Charles out."

Rupert will be able to stop Vincent's plan once and for all in his lifetime. There will be opportunities in his way for once.

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