Chapter 10 : When Night Falls

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When It Falls
Chapter 10 : When Night Falls

_William's POV_

A Nevermore, a type of Grimm eagle is trying to break into the Amity Colosseum by accessing through the holographic shield that protects the entire arena. It uses its beak to break into the arena. All of us are starting to panic on what should we do to stop this chaos. I arm out my pistol from my black blazer and wield it in my hand. I walk to the middle of the whole colosseum and speak out my words.

"Listen, if we work together as one team, we will be able to make it out from here alive. So, if you are brave enough, then fight off those Grimm like real men and women.", I tell everyone who were around the arena.

"But we don't have our own weapons.", Neptune says to me with a terrified look on his face.

"Then, think of something. How are we going to escape if we don't kill that Nevermore from killing all of us.",

Ruby walks towards the torn up Penny. She kneels down and grabs the sword which Penny used to have. Ruby wields the sword and gets ready to figgt the Nevermore.

"That's my girl.", I tell to Ruby.

She glances at me and smiles. Suddenly, the holographic shield shatters into pieces and the Nevermore makes a break in into the arena. Arslan tosses Yatsuhashi into the he punches the living daylights out of the Grimm. It falls onto the floor and Ruby tears both of its feathers by using the sword that she has equipped.

I fire out two bullets from my pistol and it blind the Nevermore as both of them hit its eyes. I switch my pistol to chokuto form and slice the Nevermore into half just like one of my dead men. All the students gather around me and they all call for their lockers. The lockers land in the arena and all of them grab their weapons to fend off the horrifying Grimm.

"Oops, excuse me.", Ruby grabs my scroll and calls for her locker.

The locker lands in the arena and she takes out her scythe called Crescent Rose. All the other students wield their weapon and ready to fight the enemies. Then, a few Griffon, a type of bird Grimm gather around the outer layer of the arena and shriek at us from above. We all ready our weapons to fend them off but the two teachers, Professor Port and Doctor Oobleck avoid us from killing the Griffon.

"Hold up students. I suggest you all should focus more on Beacon. We'll take care of this matter.", Port reminds us to fight off the Grimm attacking Beacon Academy.

"What?! How about you two? We can't just leave you two here by yourselves.", Weiss tells the two teachers with a high pitch voice.

"We all have been through this, this may change Remant history at high stakes but it's a must to change it. You all take care of yourselves when fighting off those Grimm.", Oobleck tells all of us.

I approach him and pat his shoulder.

"I trust you, doctor.", I tell Oobleck.

"I trust you all, 008.", Oobleck tells me.

All of the students head towards the docking bays of the Amity Colosseum. I follow Ruby as she also follows the group of students. While I was busy following the group of students, I receive a call from M. I pick up the call.

"Yes?", I ask M.

"008, I have an important mission for you, it's about Alex Trevelyan. He has escape from the colosseum and he plans to team up with a well-known criminal, Roman Torchwick. I will give you the location of the ship so you will be able to infiltrate it. Also, I don't want to lose another agent, 008. Good luck.", M informs me with a short tone.

She hangs up the call and I head back to the colosseum. When I reach the main colosseum, it was empty and only empty lockers were on the ground. I get into one of the lockers and I hold it tight. The locker launch back to its destination and it flies in the air. The signal of the ship becomes stronger which means I must be getting closer to the ship.

Once I reach the ship, I jump off from the locker and I land on the ship. I arm out my pistol in my hand and I sneak towards the maintainence room of the ship.

_Ruby's POV_

I look back from behind me. I do not see William anywhere. He could be lost or he went back to the colosseum to fight off the Griffon. Weiss snap me out from my thinking and pulls me towards the air bus.

"Ruby, we don't have much time.", Weiss informs me.

She drags me into the air bus and it left to Beacon Academy. During the flight, I feel like William is not safe. I do not want him to die, I love him as a girlfriend. I get up from my seat and I head over towards the hatch of the airbus and open it by pressing the button.

"Ruby, what are you doing?", Jaune asks me.

"Saving my bridegroom.", I reply to him.

I leap out from the air bus and free fall down onto the ship which Roman Torchwick is flying.

"Jaune, where's Ruby?", Pyrrha asks Jaune.

"He fall out from the air bus.", he tells her.

I manage to find the ship and I land onto the ship. I unfold my Crescent Rose and wield it in my arm.

_Alec's POV_

Everything is going as well as it was planned to be. I look through the monitors and realise that William has arrived to the party. I begin to growl and look towards Roman.

"Roman, you take care of that spy.", I demand him.

"You were the one who wanted him, you get him!", Roman scolds me for no reason.

I aim my pistol at Roman's head and he begin to feel frightened. He runs out from the ship and heads outside the ship.

"We'll see who wins, Mr. Bond.",

To Be Continued
He will be back

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