Chapter 22 : Battle Royale

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A few weeks had passed for a long timeskip. Vincent Friend had remained a mystery since Rupert "Ryan" Bond founded him escaping in his private boat a few weeks ago at his other mansion. He was still trying to investigate on where Vincent is located at. For now, he had to take a short rest from all of the missions that he had done for the past few weeks. Currently, he was at the Mistral Casino taking a short break with his spy girlfriend, Paris "Baby" Amour. He enjoyed his time with his loved one in many missions already.

Rupert ordered a glass of vodka martini at the bar while his girlfriend ordered a glass of champagne.

"I would like a glass of martini. Shaken, not stirred." demanded Rupert to the bartender.

"Okay, and what would you like, Miss?" asked the bartender.

"I'll have a glass of champagne." demanded Paris.

"I'll have your drinks in a couple of minutes. I hope you two will be patient for a while."

"I will. Only for a gentleman like me."

The bartender chuckled and prepared the orders placed by Rupert and Paris. Waiting for his vodka martini, he read a newspaper article which astonished him from reading it again. The news article stated accordingly.

"Head of SPECTRAL, Vincent Friend decides to launch Thunderbolt Satellite in a few days eventhough it was incompleted." the article stated on the newspaper.

Rupert's eyes were widen when he read the entire headlines of the article. Paris, in the other hand, took a short glance at the article and her eyes widened as well.

"I don't believe it. Vincent's going to destroy Mistral in just a few days?" Rupert said.

"This is impossible. We have to inform M about this. The satellite is incompleted and it will cause a problematic trouble in space." stated Paris.

"Not yet. I think we should do a bit of an investigation before we could find out about the satellite."

"Likewise. Who should we meet up with?" asked Paris.

"I know just the person to meet up with." he said. "A friend of mine who studied in Haven Academy."

"You mean Professor Leonardo Lionheart?" she asked him.

"Exactly." he said. "Are you in?"


"Good, we should be heading to him because he's free by these times."

Rupert drank his glass of vodka martini while Paris drank her glass of champagne. They headed towards Haven Academy after they went for some drinks at the bar. At the academy, Rupert and his girlfriend sweeped along the hallway. The students were inactive since it was a Christmas holiday. He paused in front of the office of the headmaster. Paris knocked on the door multiple times. Then, the door opened widely, revealing Lionheart standing at the doorway as well.

"Who are you two?" asked Professor Lionheart.

"My name is Bond. Rupert Bond." Rupert introduced himself.

"I'm Paris Amour, Rupert's boyfriend." stated Paris.

"Could we have a talk with you for a moment?"

"Sure, I'm free for the moment."

Rupert and Paris entered the headmaster's office for a while. Professor Lionheart was sitting on his office chair while Rupert strolled around back and forth for many times. Paris remained seated on her own chair.

"What do want from me?" asked Professor Lionheart.

"Information." said Rupert. "Do you know a man with the name Vincent Friend?"

"Ah, yes. He's the head of the SPECTRAL associate. He's close friends with me." said Professor Lionheart. "Are you familiar with him?"

"I want to know where he is right now." said Rupert. "His location?"

"Moonfall Coastline, his own private island." said Professor Lionheart. "He told me that he'll be taking a flight on his own plane called Gemini. His father, Vaugh Friend is also following him."

"That's the information that I want to know." said Rupert, smiling. "Thank for sharing the information with me, as a friend."

Professor Lionheart chuckled and shook Rupert's hand and also Paris' hand. They both exited the headmaster's office.

"Oh, one thing, Rupert." said Professor Lionheart.

Rupert turned his head around.

"Don't forget to say 'hi' to him."


Rupert and Paris traipsed out from the academy.

"Looks like Vincent is having his vacation in a few days." Paris said, ironicly.

"I have some time to spare. We'll need some help of the MI6 in order to infiltrate that island of his." said Rupert.

But then, his Scroll rang so he picked up the call from his Scroll.

"Hello?" said Rupert. "Who is this?"

"It's Weiss Schnee, Ryan." said Weiss on the Scroll.

"Weiss?" said Rupert. "Why did you call me?"

"I just wanted you to do me a favor."

"Anything you want." said Rupert. "What is it?"

"Could you send me to the Atlas Airport by tonight." said Weiss on the Scroll. "It's something important."

"Sure, where should we meet?"

"At the back entrance of my mansion." said Weiss. "Please be there early."

"I promise."

"I need to go now, I guess it's a goodbye."

"See you soon."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The call ended abruptly.

"What is it, Rupert?" asked Paris.

"I need to pick up my friend in Atlas." said Rupert. "Don't worry, it won't be that long to do it."

"Is it private business?"

"I thought so."

"Right, I'll see you at MI6 after you send your friend to the airport by tonight."

Paris strolled away from Rupert, randomly. Rupert smiled and headed back to his hotel room in Mistral.

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