Chapter 10 : Memories

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This Will Be The Day
Chapter 10: Memories

Ruby's POV

It's been an hour or half tying to find our beloved friend, Blake Belladonna. We are just worried about her safety and security.

"Blake, where are you?", I scream to try and call out Blake.

"There's no use in screaming right now.", my sister, Yang crosses her arms and release a sigh of relief.

"You're right, but we still need to find her.",

I keep on calling out her name but there was only silence and serenity.

"Weiss, you're not helping.",

"Maybe we could just call the police to find her.", Weiss gives her pathetic suggestion.

Both Yang and I look over at Weiss with angry expressions on our faces.

"Hey, I was trying to help.",

"Yeah, by giving a stupid suggestion.", Yang sighs and continues to walk forward.

"And you have nice hair.", I hear a familiar voice from behind us.

The three of us look behind and see our friend, Penny Polendina.


"Salutations, Ruby Rose.", Penny greets abductions shakes my hand.

"I thought you left us since yesterday.", Yang asks and continues to walk.

"I just wanted to meet you three, that's all.",

"I see.",

"Something is odd about you three.",

We all suddenly pause for a bit.

"What do you mean by odd?", Weiss asks as she turns around.

"Where's your other friend?",

"She's been missing for the past few days.",

"I see. That's sad. I'm so sorry to hear about that.",

"It's okay, she'll be safe for now.", I say and start walking.

The four of us explore the city of Vale to find our friend, Blake Belladonna.

Ryan's POV

It's been a few hours already. I have been sitting next to the balcony while drinking my cup of coffee. Blake stares at Sun, who is holding his cup by using his tail.

"Why did you bring me here?", Blake takes a sip from her cup of tea.

"I wanted to do this privately.", I place my cup of coffee on the coffee table.

"What do you mean by privately?", Sun asks and places his cup on the coffee table.

"I wanted to tell you Blake that I did not come to Beacon to become a Huntsman like you.",

"Then, what are you then?",

I release a sigh of relief and show both of them the proof. I take out my handgun, X008 from my pocket and then I place it on the coffee table.

"What do you see on the table?",

Blake observes closer to my handgun. Suddenly, her eyes become wide open and cover her mouth as she gasped.

"You're a secret agent of the Vale Secret Service!", Blake says loudly.

"Yes.", I nod.

"A freaking spy!", Sun becomes stunned and his eyes were wide open as well.

"Why are you telling me this?",

"I've been through the same thing as you Blake.", I slowly tilt my face to her.

"What do you actually mean?",

"When I was a kid, I actually wanted to become a spy like my father. He was also married to a Mistral secret agent. One day, the Vale Secret Service gave the bad news about my father. He was shot in the eye during his final mission in Mistral. That's when I took his place. I graduated in the Vale University and I worked in the VSS (Vale Secret Service) to replace my father's wrath. Soon, I accomplished my achievement to become the most successful spy in Vale. Now, I was sent by my boss, M to track down Ruby, Weiss, Yang and you as well. And here I am right now.", I explain my long story to them.

"I'm sorry to hear for your loss.", Sun tilts his head down sadly.

"It doesn't matter about the death of my father, the thing that matters is that the White Fang are up to something, something big.", I explain my plan.

"What's up with the White Fang?",

"They've been teaming up with SPECTRAL ever since Roman Torchwick signed the contract. Roman is up to something big to stop the headmaster of Beacon Academy.",

"Then, what should we do now?",

"We got to figure what the White Fang and the members of SPECTRAL are up to right now.", Blake's face becomes serious.

"I know somewhere where the White Fang soldiers usually hang out.",

The both of then tilt their faces and look at me fron their point of view.

"Usually they load some cargoes of Dust at the port nearby the docks. See we can figure.",

"I actually saw some White Fang members hanging out at the port. They might be up to something.", Sun tells me.

"Whatever it is, we need to solve this out.", Blake says and gets up from her seat.

In the alleyway, Sun walk in front while Blake holds my hand while we stroll down the alleyway. Then, Blake pulls me to the wall.

"Blake, what's going on?", I ask Blake about what she really is doing.

"I just want to make sure that once this is done, I just to be with you after this.", Blake says as she moves her head closer to me.

Blake kisses and smooches my lips in a romantic way. She breaks the kiss after ten seconds.

"I love you.",

"I love you too, Blake.",

Blake and I trace back Sun Wukong to the port in the city of Vale.

To be continued
008 will be back in the next chapter or episode

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