Chapter 8 : The Lost Stray

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This Will Be The Day
Chapter 8: The Lost Stray

I decided to take some fresh air and walk around the city of Vale. Surprisingly, the Vytal Festival is coming soon in Vale by the end of this year. This time, I am not participating for the festival because I have some spy work to do. It is for the sake of the Vale Secret Service or known as VSS. In the city of Vale, I encounter a robbed Dust shop in the middle of town. It is next to the ports but I don't know about who robbed the store. There are two detectives on duty to investigate the testimony.

I walk towards the robbed Dust shop and talk to the two detectives. They both look at me while taking off their glasses.

"Excuse me. I beg your pardon.", I tell the two detectives.

"Who do you think you are?", the first detective asks me.

"My name is Winston. William Winston.",

"Ah, Mr. Winston. You must be that one young spy in the Vale Secret Service, huh?", the second detective asks me.

"Yeah, so what seems to be the problem?", I ask both of the detectives.

"Robbery. A Dust one this time",

"I haven't seen cases of robbing occur in this city but this is my first time seeing this.",

"This isn't the first time, sir. There have been a couple of Dust robbie happening in this city.",

"You thinking of what I am thinking?", the detective asks his partner.

"You thinking about the White Fang again?", the first detective asks his partner back.

"Yeah, I guess. They're the only one's responsible for any robberies occurred in this city.",

I walk away from both of the detectives and start thinking of the White Fang.

"I've been through some hard time when going against the White Fang", I say in my thoughts.

I start to hear gunshots and explosions in my mind when I thought about the White Fang. Suddenly, a voice interrupted me from behind. I look behind and see Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang.

"Ryan, what are you doing here?", Weiss asks me while walking a bit towards me.

"Well, I just wanted to get some fresh air so I decided to wonder off to this city.",

"I see. Are you feeling better now?", Yang smiles and pats my head.

"Fortunately, yes I am.",

"Good to hear about that, senpai.", Blake says and shows her kawaii face.

"You're such a cutie, Blake.",

Blake giggles and looks over to Ruby Rose.

"We'll see you eventually, Ryan.",

"Yeah, I guess.",

Ruby and her other three teammates walk off towards the docks. I walk down the paved sidewalk and look around the my surroundings. It is a beautiful day today.

"Hello, Mr. Winston.", a voice says from my front.

I look to my front and see my android friend, Penny Polendina. We have been friends ever since the Atlas Secret Service rose up. Unfortunately, it was never been called that way and now it is known as the Atlesian Military.

"Oh. Good morning Miss Polendina.", I say while shaking her hand.

"How have you been?", Penny asks me in enthusiasm.

"I'm fine. How about you?",

"I'm fine as well.",

"So working out on those strings, huh?",

"Yup. I'm always hand to hand combat.",


"I like you, Ryan. We've been friends like for many years already.",

"Yeah, I guess.",

Penny smiles and feels my hand.

"Your skin is so soft that it could warm my heart.",

"Awww, you're so sweet, Penny.",

"So are you, Ryan.",

Penny kisses my cheek and walks away.

"Goodbye, Ryan.",

"Goodbye, Penny.",

I walk back to Beacon Academy and rest in my dorm for a while. At night, I decided to make up my mind and head over to Team RWBY's dorm. At the front of the door, Yang and Ruby were outside.

"What's the problem?", I ask.

"Just now at the city, Weiss and Blake were arguing about the White Fang. It became worst until we had to back off from both of them.", Ruby and Yang explain to me.

"Oh, so what's going on now?",

"They're still having an argument.", Yang releases a sigh and crosses her arms.

I look into the room and see Blake and Weiss arguing at each other. But suddenly, Blake runs out from her room.

"Blake, where are you going?", Yang tries to call Blake back.

"We can't let this happen to her.",

I run off towards Blake and chase her down to where she is actually going to.

"Ryan, where are you going?", Ruby asks me from afar.

"Trying to make things up to Blake.", I tell Ruby.

Blake stops in front of the statue. She then starts to cry a little but I did not move forward. She slowly takes off her bow and reveals something exotic. She had cat ears like a Faunus.

"Good Oum.", I say in shock.

Blake gets aware and takes out her unsheathed katana. She points out her katana at me.

"Ryan, what are you doing here?", Blake asks me.

"I saw you ran off so I tried to find you.",

"I'm a disgrace, Ryan!", Blake yells and begins crying in tears.

"It's okay, Blake. You don't have to remember what you have gone through.",

"I can never change the past of my life.",

Suddenly, Blake freezes for a moment. She then falls to the ground and faint. I see a sleeping dart on her back. I look front and see a man about to shoot me down. I shoot down the man from my point and kill him. I carry Blake's body and place it in my Aston Martin. I get in my Aston Martin and drive off to a place where nobody can find us.

To be continued
008 will be back in the next chapter of episode

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