Chapter 4 : Lessons Learned

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This Will Be The Day
Chapter 4: Lessons Learned

By the next day, I wake up from bed early in the morning. I get up from my bed. I look at the small table beside my bed. I then see a book on the table saying A View To A Kill. It must be the book that Blake borrowed from yesterday. There was a note on the book so I read the note. The note says:

"I enjoyed reading this book. I got to admit, I think you should be with me from now on. We can be a perfect match in this school."

I simply just laugh a bit and place the note on my table. I walk to the bathroom and take my shower. Once I finished showering and dressing up in my uniform, I grab my handgun, X008 and leave my dorm. As I was about to lock my door, Ruby surprises me from behind.

"Hey, Ryan!", Ruby yells and gives me a wink.

"Nice to meet you again, Ruby.", I say and give her back a wink of my own.

Ruby Rose was in her uniform and also with her other teammates, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long.

"You ready to go for your first class, Mr. Nice Guy?", Yang asks and smiles a bit.

"Yes, I am.", I say and nod at her.

"We should get going by now, classes are about to start in just a few minutes.", Weiss demands her team to hurry up to class.

"Fine, you don't need to be in a rush ice queen.", Blake says and crosses her arms.

The five of us stroll down the hall and head over to Professor Port's classroom which is not that far from my dorm and Team RWBY's dorm. When we reach the class, I enter the classroom but I was also welcomed by Professor Port.

"Well, if it isn't the new student in this school. Mr. Winston. How are you?", Professor Port asks me.

"I'm fine, thank you very much.", I thank him.

"Take a seat at the front with Team RWBY and behind Team JNPR.",

I walk down the stairs and take a seat at the front row of the whole class. I am sitting beside Team RWBY and also behind Team JNPR. Professor Port teaches us about the types of Grimm and also the history of himself on how he became a professional Huntsman.

"Now, I want to ask you dear students a question, who here dares to face this challenge?", Professor Port asks all the students.

I raise my hand up in the air to accept the challenge given by Professor Port.

"Alright, Mr. Winston. Please come down to the front.",

I walk down the stairs and stand in front of the whole class.

"We will need to test your reflexes by using this machines here.", Professor Port shows the machine which is a 5×5 square lights.

"Alright.", I say and shrug.

"Okay then, let's begin.", Professor Port says.

I take out my handgun from my pocket and ready it in my hand. As soon as I got my handgun ready, the lights came on. I hit every single light. Back in the Vale Secret Service, I was the one who beaten the spy record which was 1000 lights so I could do this fair and square.

"He has a lot of accuracy and perfection.", Ruby tells Weiss.

"Impossible, he beated my record. No way.", Weiss says as she was not satisfied by my skills.

After finishing the training simulator, Professor Port announces my record for hitting all the lights under 100 seconds.

"How astonishing! Mr. Winston has beaten the record twice the high score.", Professor Port announces to the whole class.

"What's his score?", Blake asks the teacher.

"His score is 1000 lights. That's twice the number of Miss Schnee's record.",

All of the students are stunned and their jaws are even open.

"You really are a true Huntsman.",

"Yes, I am.", I say while waving my hand at Team RWBY.

"Well then, let's begin your next test.",

In the next test, I decided to fight off with Team JNPR consisting of Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. I take out my uniform and I actually wore my suit inside of my uniform.

"Always ready for the occasion, Mr. Winston?", Professor Port asks me.

"You'll be facing Team JNPR.",

"Guys, I don't think we can beat this guy.", Jaune tells his teammates.

"Jaune, be chill. You don't need to rush excessively.", Pyrrha reminds him.

"We'll break his legs for good!", Nora yells and readies her war hammer of doom.

"Are you sure, Nora? He seems tough to me. I couldn't even reach his record. I'm only like 200 lights.", Ren tells Nora.

"Whatever it is, let's do this.", Jaune tells his teammates.

All of them ready their weapons in their hands. I select my handgun to chokuto and it turn into a chokuto.

"That handgun can change into other weapons?", Yang become stun after seeing my weapon.

"Begin!", the teacher starts off the match hardcore.

I charge my attack on Jaune Arc. When Jaune was about to slash me by using his sword, I leap and dodge the blade of his sword. Then, I slash Pyrrha five times but she manage to dodge all of them. Pyrrha swings her xiphos but I parry it and slash Pyrrha. My chokuto drain her aura down and eventually made her tired. Then, Nora surprise attack me from behind. I move from my original position and I avoid the smash. I then select my weapon to a rapier and slash her until her aura went to zero. After that is settle, I face Ren and Jaune. Ren aim his SMGs at me. I stand in my fighting stance and I parry all the shots. I run forward towards him and slash him silently.

Jaune is scared but he accidently trip. He fall on the floor and become scared. I walk away leaving him alone. Classes were over, all of the students walk out from the class. I walk towards Team RWBY's dorm. I want to pay a visit.

To be continue
008 will be back in the next chapter or episode

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