Chapter 13 : For Our Eyes Only

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Back in Atlas, Rupert "Ryan" Bond called M to inform her that he will be going on a large mission to research about the two satellite projects being archieved. Surprisingly, Rupert managed to pick up a special call with M on his Scroll. His luck is starting to come back.

"Bond to MI6, I'll be taking a vacation in Atlas for a couple of weeks." said Rupert to M.

"And why is that? Aren't you suppose to be on duty to find the information about the two satellites?" asked M on the Scroll.

"What I meant is that I'll be doing some research about the two satellites without coming back to MI6." explained Rupert to M. "Don't worry about me, I'll be back in MI6 in a couple of weeks."

"I insist your delicant request, 007." said M. "Should I send Paris Amour to accompany you?"

"Yes." said Rupert. "Send her to the Atlas Alps Hotel. It's not that far from Atlas itself."

"Alright then, I'm sure that you two will have a pleasant hunting vacation in Atlas. I wish you luck, 007." told M to Rupert. "M, out."

In the Atlas Alps, the snow was breezing and cold since it was a winter season this month. Rupert ordered a cup of cappucino because he was starting to fill a bit chilly inside of him. While waiting for his ordered, a young lady with long pink hair, pink eyes and also high heels approached Rupert and she then took a seat down opposite him. Of course, her name is Paris Amour.

"Hey, Ryan. How's the vacation going on?" asked Paris to Rupert. "You enjoying this... thrilling moment."

"I have a licence to kill and a licence to thrill. Which means I'll have a wonderful thrilling vacation." Rupert told Paris.

Paris giggled kindly and took out her Scroll. Rupert seemed to be a bit curious about Paris because whu would she take out her Scroll in the middle of breakfast.

"What's going on, Paris?" asked Rupert to Paris.

"I think I have found the target that we'll be needing to follow." said Paris to Rupert. "Over there."

Looking at Paris' view, she took a photograph of a young man wearing a black winter coat while talking to a young lady wearing the same outfit as Paris. They seemed to have a connections witg the two of them, that is why Paris is anxious about them.

"Well, do you have any valuable information about the two of them?" asked Rupert. "Do they both have a connection?"

"The man is Liam Welson, he's the assistant of the SPECTRAL association, he also works for Vincent Friend for your information. The lady talking to him is Olivia Carson. She's Liam's girlfriend and also a soldier of the Atlesian Military. Both of them know each other in Atlas Academy." explained Paris to Rupert.

"Then why are you hunting him down eventhough he has a girlfriend of his own?" asked Rupert. "I mean, he has a girlfriend."

"Like what they say, one man's trash is another man's treasure."

"So you're trying to say that Olivia is a pile of trash to Liam?" asked Rupert. "Don't try to become a sex offender like Vincent."

"No, of course not." stated Paris. "What I'm trying to say is that she's no match to Liam but I think she would like you more than him. I don't mind this girlfriend business."

"I see. So what's your plan?" asked Rupert. "You always have plans in your mind of yours."

"You have the Hacking Scroll, haven't you?"

Rupert nodded at Paris.

"We share a cable car with them after this and then you hack the cable car when it reaches the middle. You'll do the dirty talk and I'll do the 'keeping the mouth shut' business." Paris explained her plan. "Sounds good?"

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