Iceland x Hong Kong-Forgotten *Lemon*

Start from the beginning

He looks at me a little shocked and Lukas coughs awkwardly.

"H-How did you know?" Mathias asks me

Know what? Oh my god are they actually dating? Shit I was just kidding to get a reaction out of Lukas.

"Umm I didn't until just now." I mumble "Can we just go home?"

I walk out of the room and I can hear whispering behind me, why can't these weirdos just leave me alone. They follow after me and we make it to our van. I call shotgun and quickly claim my seat at the front. Mathias decided to drive so Tino and Berwald are flirting in the back seat, Lukas is messing around with some troll or something but I can't see it.

I look out the window and think of Hong Kong, I wonder if he wouldn't want to date me because of my over controlling brother...

When we arrive home I just want to head up to my room but I'  called into the kitchen by those 4 weirdos. I sigh and walk into the kitchen. I look at them curiously and they seem upset about something.

"We heard what you said." Tino says offering me a cup of tea

"Which was?" I ask confused

"That you feel forgotten." Mathias continues

"What are you talking about?" I question

"We heard what you said when America forgot about you, that it was ok because you're used to it." Berwald states

"Yeah, so?" I ask annoyed

"We don't want you to feel that way." Tino smiles softly

"Well it's kind of hard not to, you all have a boyfriends or whatever and I can't even be friends with one person without being interrupted by Lukas." I say standing up "I'm going to my room, don't come talk to me."

I storm out of the room and head to my bedroom. I close the door quietly and lock it. I need to get out of here, I need a break, I grab my phone and message Hong Kong to meet me in the old cabin in the woods. He confirms that he will go.

I open up the window and as I'm about to climb out I hear a knock on my door.

"Emil, it's me." Lukas' voice says "I want to talk with you."

"Go away!" I yell

I love my older brother but he is so annoying and controlling.

"Please let me in." He sighs

"No, we can talk later." I reply and jump out the window

Luckily my room is on the first floor so I don't have a dangerous drop or anything. I jump over the fence and run down the streets and into the forest. I've been sneaking off to this cabin for years so I know exactly where it is. I make it to the wooden steps and open up the door.

"You here yet Hong Kong?" I call out

"Yes. But we're like alone, call me Leon." He states, walking out of the door way

"Well then call me Emil." I reply

I walk over to him and wrap my arms tightly around him.

"What's like up with you?" Leon asks me

"I'm so tired of being forgotten." I sigh "Lukas was all upset that I was forgotten and I pointed out that he never lets me have friends."

Leon softly kisses my forehead and leads me to the living room. We sit down on one of the couches, still holding each other close. I look up and at the same time he looks to me. Our lips lightly brush up against each other but neither of us move.

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