"Wow... You're fast." a unknown guy came next to me. It was some random guy but he looked like he was around 25 so he was definitely out of place.

"I'm upset." I said and kept drinking.

"What's your name?" He took a beer and started drinking it slowly.

"Audree." I shortly told him, all busy with the liquor.

"I'm Steve."

I didn't answer, because my other me was clearly not that much of a social person.

"So do you-"

"Don't talk to me I'm busy!" I groaned. I felt so mean when those words flew out of my mouth. I needed to come to my senses. But I didn't know how. I couldn't control my own ability. That was why I had tried to ignore it.

I heard a chuckle. "You're interesting." the guy grinned.

I'm interesting? Was he brain-wrecked? I had just told him to shut up. I got weirded out so I brought the booze, ignoring him and sitting on a couch instead. I was about to drink but my hair was on my face so I turned around to whip my hair back to its place and then I saw that girl. It was that Roxannah girl that I met at the party. She was even more stunning this time because she wasn't all wrecked by the beer. But she wouldn't recognize me since she was so drunk so I ignored her. Then she suddenly made eye-contact and her eyes widened.

"It's you!" she practically yelled and even pointed at me. Suddenly I snapped out of it. I could move on my own. I let go of the liquor immediately, stopping myself.

"Uh... Hi." I greeted embarrassed. I was back, so I wasn't arrogant and ignoring people anymore.

"You were the one who poured beer for me in the funnel!" she clapped her hands but it didn't look as childish as I thought it would.

"Yep." I said and she took a seat next to me.

"You've... dropped a lot of weight." she mumbled and scanned my whole body.

"Long story." I thought about the whole how I met her incident and got the urge to try the funnel. I couldn't find a solution, and while I was there I just wanted to drown in alcohol. It might had helped anyway.

"Can you pour into a funnel for me?" I shrieked and handed her as much liquor I could get. She was laughing.

"Sure." she said and I drank it up really slow because the taste was horrible. But I got a bit tipsy and she was too, even though she didn't drink. She was just hyper I guess.

"You're kind of my... Best friend!" I laughed and put my arm around her shoulder. I was definitely drunk. But I was conscious anyway. She was laughing and started drinking too, but not much.

"What's with the kind of?!" she yelled.

"Okay... No kind of." I grinned.

"You know... I never drink that much like I did that time..." she started talking.

"You don't? Then why did you drink so much at that party?"

"I was sooooooo upset!" she grinned. I grinned back, and I didn't even know why. "Because I came here to get together with my ex... And he doesn't have any feelings towards me at all!" she laughed. "I was so sad and just started hoovering booze when I found a party."

"Oh well... Do you want to play a game?" I smirked.

"What game?"

"The pity me game!"

"What's that?!" she laughed.

"We just need to tell each other what... Tell each other what sucks the most in our lives and then decide who's story is the worst!" I explained. "I made it up myself."

"You're so smart! Let's do it!" she turned so that we were facing each other. "I've told you mine already."

"Okay... I don't have a boyfriend... dream... looks, or money!" I yelled outloud and started laughing so much I couldn't take it. How was that funny anyway?

"You look good!" she yelled back.

"Shut up, I don't!"

"Yes you do!" I kind of wanted to believe in it but I couldn't help getting a bit confidence when I could see that she was telling the truth.

"But I'm scared of a stupid bitch at school so I don't dare to go back... I'll be a stupid girl that hides in her house my whole life." I started crying. Wow. It was like having your period. Laughing and then suddenly crying.

"Nooooo stop it!!! I am a stupid girl that has been watching her own boyfriend getting manipulated by his mom and never dared to do anything!" she also started crying. It just became a cryparty.

"How do I defeat a girl that has been bullying me for years?! Even if I'm thin she'll make me wish that I had never done anything!" I continued and sounded like a baby.

"Why can't I ever dare to stand up to someone who's in higher up than I am when the one I love is being hurt?!" was what she said when it was her turn.

"I love you Roxannah!" I yelled and so did she as we were hugging.

"I love you Audree!"

"We're going to fix this okay?!" she said. I nodded.

"You're going to tell that boy to fucking get feelings for you! If he's still like that, he's definitely not your  man!" I advised her as I fell tears.

"And you're going to fucking hit that bitch because bullies are the worst! The moment you hit her is the moment she'll get scared of you!" At that moment I sobered up immediately. Hearing those words I knew what I was going to do.

"Come with me!" I yelled and dragged her out.

"Where are we going?" she asked me and it was almost 6pm so the mall hadn't closed yet. Lucky!

"You're a genius, and I need your help!"


WEEEE SHE GOT A NEW AMIGO! I love leaving cliffhangers. But this one is not a big deal anyway.


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