Chapter 19

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{Breathe Me ~ Sia}

***WARNING: Serious and graphic natures, such as rape, child abuse, torture, and self-harm, will be heavily discussed in the next few chapters.***

Olivia's pov:

The next day, we all headed back to the hospital. However, I made sure to be dressed to the nines this time, still embarased that I met Theirry's family for the first time looking like trash.

When yesterday's crew all arrived, we reorganized the chairs into our large circle. We talked about anything and everything, trying to ignore our anxiety and eagerness to see Thierry. It was two in the afternoon but the man was still asleep from the loss of blood and the strong medication.

I hope he was okay and sleeping peacefully after his horrendous incident.


Thierry's pov:
24 years ago

"Oh, meu filhinho, mamãe e papai te amam tanto! Eu sei que vamos sentir falta um do outro terrivelmente, mas ficar na América é o melhor para o seu futuro!" mamãe tried to cheer, despite the tears forming in her pretty brown eyes.

'Oh, my baby boy, Mommy and Daddy love you so much! I know we'll miss each other terribly but staying in America is the best for your future!'

"M-Mas, mamãe, eu quero ir com você, papai, e meus irmãos! Eu não me importo com o meu futuro! Por favor, não saia daqui!" I cried, attaching myself to her leg and nuzzling my face into her very pregnant belly.

'B-But, Mommy, I want to go with you, Daddy, and my brothers! I don't care about my future! Please don't leave here!'

Mamãe covered her mouth, trying to quieten her sobs. I felt big, strong hands grab me and lift me up. I was shifted around until I could easily wrap myself around my papai. He kissed my cheek and smiled at me sadly.

"Agora, filho, você é quase um homem! Você deve ser forte para nós, sim? Limpe seu rosto e seque seus olhos, Thierry. Está na hora de irmos embora. Seja bom para seu tio Davi e tia Cassandra. Nós te amamos, meu filhinho." he said firmly yet lovingly.

'Now, son, you're nearly a man! You must be strong for us, yes? Clean your face and dry your eyes, Thierry. It's time for us to leave. Be good for your Uncle Davi and Aunt Cassandra. We love you, my baby boy.'

"Certo, papai. Serei um homem grande e forte para vocês. Eu prometo. Eu também amo vocês." I hicupped, wiping my face roughly.

'Okay, Daddy. I'll be a big, strong man for you guys. I promise. I love you guys too.'

He chuckled and kissed my face again. We hugged each other tightly before he set me down and pushed me towards mamãe. I gently wrapped my arms around her, kissing my baby sister before hugging her as tightly I could without hurting either of them.

My older brothers, who were told to stay back as mamãe and papai tried to explain to my seven year old self why I could not go back to Brazil with them as best as they could, came running up to me. I fussed and whined as they picked me up and kissed me all over, being overly protective and touchy as usual. Our parents just laughed as I miserably tried to push and shove the ten and thirteen year olds off of me.

When my brothers finally released me, they each gave me one last kiss to the forehead before making their way to mamãe and papai. With tears in all our eyes, they slowly boarded the plane.

I whipped my cheeks just before two different hands each grabbed a shoulder. I looked up to see Cassandra and Davi smiling down at me. I faked a smile right back before asking if we could leave. I just wanted to wallow in my room.

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