Chapter 16

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{Fools ~ Troye Sivan}

Olivia's pov:

It's been about two weeks since Thierry left me heartbroken in that small Brazilian café. I've been to that café almost every Saturday, hoping to see him again. Much to mine and Mamãe Río's displeasure, he hasn't even drove by once since our encounter.

I want to move on so bad but my heart just can't. Anytime I think about moving on, my heart clenches painfully and a small voice in the back of my head tells me not to give up on that hurt man.

I didn't realize how broken Thierry was. His cold, stony exterior was just a facade to protect his damaged, vulnerable interior. When he looked at me with those dark amber eyes filled with so much pain and self-hatred as he spoke of himself as if he was a monster, my heart broke into million tiny pieces.

I just want to coddle him and take away all his pain. We could lay in bed, both of us lying down as he rested his head against my stomach. I would run my hands through those dark, luscious locks and he would place sweet, affectionate kisses on my stomach as we whispered sweet nothings to each other. I would finally get to see him smile a goofy and adorable grin and we'd fall deeper and deeper in love with each other.

"Oh, Thierry, can't you see that it's too late for me to turn back. I already love you too much." I sighed, sipping my glass of wine.

Knock knock

I frowned as I sat my glass down. I tried to make myself look decent in my pajamas and messy hair as I made my way towards the door. I opened the door and smiled at the sight before me. Madison, Totiyuna, Danny, and Neal were all smiling brightly at me, each holding various amounts of food and movies.

"What are you guys doing?" I laughed, moving over to allow them in.

"Just hanging out with a good friend. Now, this stuff is heavy so to the kitchen!" Danny blurted.

We rushed to my kitchen and they set everything down. They brought tubs of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, brownies, cinnamon rolls, popcorn, BBQ chicken pizzas, gummy worms, skittles, and reeces cups. I scoffed at the amount of food but immediately grabbed a hot, delicious slice of BBQ chicken pizza. (AN: My favorite pizza! 😍🍕🍽)

"So we brought Dirty Dancing, Chicago, The Sound of Music, Mamma Mia, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan 1 and 2, The Princess and the Frog, Identify Thief, The Heat, The Ghostbusters: 2016, and all of The Scary Movies. Which one do you want to watch first?" Madison asked me.

"Beauty and the Beast obviously!"


It was three o'clock in the morning and all of our delicious snacks were gone.

"Kevin, can you answer the phone?"

"I can't, it's in the fishtank."

The few of us awake sleeply cracked up at the beautiful yet dumb Kevin. We watched all the other movies, wanting to save The Ghostbusters: 2016 for last.

I am definitely feeling much better and my heart is a little mended by my sweet and caring friends.

"Ollie?" a heard a particularly sweet southern voice whisper.

I looked at Madison, who was lovingly cradled in the sleeping Totiyuna's arms. The southern belle beamed at me and carefully slipped from her wife's arms. We paused when Tot grumbled angrily but calmed down after Madison slipped a pillow in her arms. Madison then sneaked over to me and cuddled up under the covers with me in the recliner. 

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