Chapter 5

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{The private jet interior}

I walked into the office this morning with Mr. Jackson's usual coffee and pain au chocolat like I do everyday.

However, what he said to me after I handed him his usual breakfast, shocked my very core.

"Go home and pack. We're leaving this afternoon to go to a four day meeting in Paris. You have two hours to pack and meet me back here." he said nonchalantly, as if it were no deal just to suddenly pack and leave.

"Sir? Excuse me?" I gasped, not believing what I had just heard.

"You very well heard every single word I said. Now leave and pack. You're wasting your two hours." he growled.

I meekly nodded and calmly walked out the door. As soon as I shut the door, I squealed loudly and bounced over to Danny's desk.

He shushed me violently before apologizing to the other person on the phone. I shook and grinned like a mad woman, impatiently waiting for him to end his call.

After three agonizing minutes, he finally ended the call. He looked at me with an annoyed expression but I could see the slight curiosity in his eyes.

"You almost cost us the chance of getting business out in Spain! Now, what is so damn important that is driving you mad!" he nearly shouted at me.

"I'M GOING TO PARIS!" I shouted excitedly.

"LEAVE, MS. MAGIC!" Mr. Jackson boomed from his office.

"I'm going too." Danny replied, ignoring him.

"Why don't you sound excited? It's Paris!" I nearly screeched.

"I've been many times. It's great but you can only tour the city so many times before losing interest." he monotoned.

"I didn't know secretaries went on business trips with the boss." I said.

"Well, I don't know either but I'm his best friend so the bitch is always bringing me." Danny stated.

"Whatever. I better go."



"I am so jealous! I wish I could go to Paris with you!" Madison whined, a pout forming on her lips.

"I wish you could come too! You would love my coworker Danny! He's hilarious and has so much sass and enthusiasm!" I said, packing a cute cream blouse and a flowy black miniskirt into my suitcase.

"I'm going to have to beg Totiyuna to let us go to Paris one day but with my teacher income and her trainer income, that might take a while."

"I thought trainers made good money."

"They do if they're training Beyonce how to get abs. They don't make too much when they work at a small local gym helping housewives loose the baby fat for their hubbies." Madison snorted.

"Why doesn't she work for a bigger gym or get celebrity clients?" I asked.

"Totiyuna loves it there. I would never ask her to quit just so we could have more money. We live a happy, comfortable, slightly above middle class life. Besides, who needs to be rich when you have a rich best friend!" Madison teased, hugging me tightly.

"I can feel the love." I muttered sarcastically, hugging her back just as tight.

She pulled away and playfully pushed my shoulder before heading back to my closet. I laughed when she came out with three small umbrellas, a huge fur coat, and... a flare gun?

In the Office (ManxTransWoman)Where stories live. Discover now