Blacksmith!Germany x Fem!Reader-Marriage

Start from the beginning

"Haha yeah, you are totally not awesome vith kids." Gilbert chuckles "Can you do me a favour, please at least go on one date vith Ludwig, he is my little bruder and I want to see him have one date vith someone he likes before he is made to marry with someone else."


"Fine, but only because I understand how much it hurts when you can't be with the one you love." I sigh

"Aww, still heartbroken over that guy who left the village?" Gilbert asks

"Not really anymore, I got over him a few moths ago." I smile

We make it outside my house and hug each other goodbye.

"I zhink your parents vill talk to you tonight about the marriage so good luck for zhat." He chuckles

"Thanks, I'll probably need it." I smile

I walk inside and straight away my mother is on my case.

"Oh (Y/n) you need to get ready."she says

"What for?" I reply

"The Beilschmidts are coming over for dinner, and to discuss something important." My mother replies

I feel my heart sink as I realise that my parents actually want this marriage to happen. But I still have so much I want to do... I want to travel the world and see hundreds of places, I can't do that if I'm married. But how can I argue against my mother and father.

"I understand, I have the apples which you asked me to buy." I say

My mother takes the basket and quickly ushers me to my room, she forces me down into a chair and begins to brush my hair. After she styles it in one of my least favoured styles she pulls out a (f/c) dress and makes me change into it.

I look in the mirror and see a girl who isn't myself. The dress is beautiful but I feel uncomfortable. I don't like the way my hair is styled. I look beautiful but I don't look like myself. I can't fight against my parents...

After an hour there is a knock at our front door. I'm sitting down in the living room where the Belischmidts will come sit. Hopefully I can be seated next to Gilbert as we are close friends.

"Hey (Y/n)!" Gilbert says running in and jumping in the seat next to me

"Won't you be quiet you stupid boy? We are guests." A man with long blond hair says glaring at him

"You look really awesome." Gilbert whispers to me "But also really uncomfortable."

"Oh trust me, I'm uncomfortable" I whisper back

"My name is Alaric, you know my eldest son Gilbert." Alaric states "Zhis is my second son Ludvig."

"This is my daughter (Y/n)." My father introduces me

My parents invite them for dinner and we take out seats around the dining room table. Our food is given to us and Gilbert and I are messing around with each other. Kicking each other under the table and such, I accidentally push my leg to far and kick Ludwig.

Pretending not to have done anything I sip at my drink and Ludwig gives Gilbert a glare thinking he was responsible. His glare towards Gilbert doesn't change throughout dinner which is a little strange, I wonder why he is so upset?

After dinner we head to the living room to talk. My heart is beating so fast right now. But I can't let them know I know.

"So (Y/n) how do you feel about marriage?" My mother asks

"Oh I don't want to get married." I say innocently, Gilbert lets out an almost silent snicker from next to me

"O-oh." My mother stutters at a loss for what to say

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