"I wonder what he'd say about the engagement?" She said.

"It would either be," he replied. "'Took you long enough', or 'It's about time'. He would have wanted me to propose to you from the moment you said 'yes' to being my girlfriend. Provided he approved in the first place."

"Why would he not approve?"

"He did like you too," he replied reluctantly as he turned to face her. "I did say that you would have been the reason for the biggest fight we would have. But we would have ended up having you make the last decision. Whatever you decide, we'd respect it."

"You would have given up?" She asked as she felt a heaviness on her chest.

"If you chose him," Richard replied. "Yes, I would. Your happiness would be my priority, Maine. If Rich made you happy, how can I compete with that? I wouldn't hurt you that way."

He was startled when Maine suddenly wrapped her arms around him and held him tight, as if afraid he'd disappear.

"I love you," she declared softly. "I've always loved you. I'm sure we would have found each other even then. Don't you ever think that I wouldn't find you, or you wouldn't find me."

"Hey," he said softly. "I'm not going anywhere. And I think that ring on your finger proves it."

"Promise me."

Richard sighed and kissed the top of Maine's head. He said, "you will never lose me, my Heart. I'll always be here. I promise."

He disentangled himself from Maine's embrace and reached out to cup her face with both hands. He went on, "I love you, Maine. With every fiber of my being, I love you. If I have to get down on one knee again and propose to you, I would. You're my everything."

He leaned forward and kissed her softly to seal the promise. He felt Maine sigh.

"Come on," Richard said. "Let's go see Rich."


Day old flowers telling them that Richard's parents were there yesterday was placed in front of the tombstone. Richard assisted Maine in sitting down the soft grass before following suit. They were silent for a few moments, saying their own personal prayers to the dead before finally breaking the silence.

"Hey Alden," Maine greeted but earned a scowl from Richard upon hearing the name. She rolled her eyes and shook her head as she continued, "RJ doesn't like me calling you 'Alden' anymore. He said I should start calling you 'Rich'. As if it's easy to just forget the eight years I've been saying 'Alden'."

"It's about time," Richard remarked. "Don't you think, Rich? We've been wanting her to call us with those names."

"I will," she pouted. "Just give me time."

He just chuckled and draped his arms around her shoulders. He leaned forward and kissed her on the temple.

"I'm kidding," he whispered. "Take all the time you need."

Maine turned to look at him and smiled. Then she tilted her head slightly as if to coax him to say something. Richard cleared his throat and held her hand tightly. She returned the gesture and kept her smile.

"Rich," Richard started. "We wanted you to be the first to know. Maine and I are getting married."

"He proposed when we were in Paris," Maine added. She leaned her body towards him and rested her head on his shoulder. "It was really a magical moment. And this was all because of you. Thank you so so much, Alden!"

"Yes," he agreed. "Thanks, Rich. You don't know how much this means to us."

"I'll take care of him," she said. "I promise. You don't have to worry about him."

"And you don't have to worry about her too," he added. "And your heart. I'll take care of them both. You have my word, Rich."

Maine kissed the tips of her fingers and touched Alden's tombstone, tracing his name with her fingers. Richard kept hold of her hand.

"We miss you," Maine said. A lone tear escaped her eye that Richard immediately caught and wiped away with his finger. "We wish you were here to celebrate with us."


"I'm sorry," she said as Richard collected her in his arms and sat her on his lap. He kissed her temple softly.

"Don't be," he said. "I miss him too."

He let her cry for a few minutes as he held her in his arms. He just kept silent, letting her pour out her sadness of the moment.

When her tears finally subsided, Maine sighed and faced Alden's tombstone once again. She started telling him about what's been happening to them since they last visited. Richard just kept silent, only adding a few details that Maine missed out in her story telling. He just let her talk, enjoying the sound of her voice like he had done before she met him. He could imagine his brother's reaction, laughing at the funny parts, commenting about the places where they've been, or just smiling at her as he listened to her stories. There was a pang on his chest as he remembered his brother, but it quickly dissipated whenever he looks at Maine.

Richard helped her up when they were getting ready to leave. When they were both standing in front of Alden's tombstone, Maine reached up and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"I love you," she said. "Thank you for letting him know first."

"He would always come first after you, my Heart," he replied. "Always."

She turned and faced the tombstone once more and smiled, "you have given me such a precious gift, Alden. I won't waste it."

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