Russia x America-Rivals *Lemon*

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The door opens and Alfred walks in with a sullen face. He walks over to his bed and lays face down. I can tell the answer by his actions. So I guess I'm stuck with him for the rest of the year.

*Time skip to first day of lessons*

Alfred's P.O.V.
I have my first lesson today and I feel a little nervous. Ivan and I share this lesson which sucks. I have my textbook and I am ready for class. After walking into my lecture room I take a seat alone and away from Ivan. The teacher walks in and begins to talk. It's a little boring but easy to understand..

After the lesson I get back to my room and realise that I left my text book in the lesson room. Ugh now I have to walk all the way back. As I open the door and walk down the hallway Ivan comes down the other side and stops in front of me.

"Can I help you?" I ask

He roughly thrusts a text book into my hand. I stare at him in shock and he continues walking. I look down and see that it's my text book. Why would he bring it back for me?

*Time skip to a few days later*

Ivan's P.O.V.
I'm killing two birds with one stone, I am annoying Alfred while studying. It's about ten p.m. and I have my desk light on while I'm doing some homework. Alfred is trying to sleep so it works out perfectly.

I slowly feel my eyes get heavy after time. Doing a lot of work does this to me, especially at night time. I think I could just fall asleep-

Alfred's P.O.V.
I hear a soft thud and look up to see that Ivan has fallen asleep. Now I finally can as well, after I turn off the light, I stand up and walk over to him, just as I'm about to turn of the light I realise that I don't want to leave him to get a cold.

I sigh grabbing his quilt and draping it around his shoulders. I pack up his things and then I look into his face, he is actually quite handsome. What?! No I can't thing things like that I'm supposed to hate him!

But after the few weeks we have spent together I don't know about that anymore...

*Time skip to a few weeks later*

Third Person P.O.V.
Alfred and Ivan have slowly progressed from being enemies and rivals to accidental friends. They pretend to hate each other while doing small things to make the others life easier. Wether it's doing a load of the others washing, cleaning up their side of the room, cooking extra dinner for the other when they are at a late night lecture, making sure there is enough coffee for the other one and lots of other things.

Neither of them will admit to themselves that they have fallen in love with their rival. This causes very confusing emotions for the both of them. It's always interesting see complete polar opposites interact but maybe they aren't so different as they thought.

Alfred's P.O.V.
I am laying on my bed staring at the roof thinking about life. My feelings towards Ivan... how do I feel about him? If I hate him why do I continue to help him and accept his help. Every time I close eyes I see his violet ones.

It's like I can't get him out of my head. I just want to be held by him and know he is there for me, is this love? Heh I guess when Francis would say "Love and hate aren't so different", that's what he would say when he tried to get with my older brother Arthur. And now they are happily married.

The door opens and I see Ivan walk in, he meets my eyes for a few seconds and then turns to his closet to get changed into his pyjamas.

"Zhe principal said that a dorm opened up so you can move zhere." Ivan states

Hetalia Oneshots & Lemons *Requests Open*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon