France x Male!Reader-Romeo and Juliet? *Lemon*

Start from the beginning

"Hey guess what, there is going to be a party at the (L/n)'s tonight, we should sneak in." Arthur says

"Oui, we should bring Alfred and Matthieu as well." I say smiling

Arthur blushes at the mention of Alfred and I know he has a crush on him. Maybe I'll even get them dancing together tonight.

"But von't zhey recognise us?" I ask

"It's a masquerade ball." Arthur replies

(M/n)'s P.O.V.
I sit in my room sketching in one of my books when I hear two steps of footsteps coming towards my room. I hide my sketch book and pretend I'm cleaning a sword. My mother and butler, Yao Wang, come in and smile at me.

"Good evening mother, how can I help you?" He asks

"Why aren't you dressed for the ball?" My mother asks

"I'm not going." I replied

"What? Why not?" Yao asks

"Because it's pointless." I sigh

"I'm sorry son but you have to go, it's your father's orders." My mother states

"You can find someone special there aru." My butler suggests

"Do I really have to go?" I ask

"Yes, now I'll help you get ready aru." My butler says

My mother leaves and I get into my suit, after pulling on my mask I look into the mirror. Looking back at me isn't someone who my parents think I am. I'm supposed to be finding a bride, after I turned 18 they made sure of that but I don't want a bride. I like men not women but I could never reveal that or else I would be in a lot of trouble.

Finally the time comes for me to head to the ball and I sit with my mother and father in the carriage. Inside there is a table for all of us to sit and watch over the ball. My cousin, Gilbert is seated next to me.He is nice to me however he likes to fight, he was at the fight earlier today. I wish I could stay here the whole night but my parents seem to have a different idea.

"Son you should go dance with a beautiful woman." My father states

"Yes find someone to marry." My mother giggles

I sigh and stand up, walking to the dance floor. I don't see anyone that stands out as of yet and I just want to go to sleep. As I turn around to go to the drinks table I bump into someone knocking us both to the ground. I open my eyes and see a pair of blue eyes peaking out from a purple mask and blond hair.

"I'm so sorry." I say quickly

We stare at each other for a second and I feel something inside of me.

"I-It's ok mon chér." He says climbing to his feet and holding his hand out for me

(French:Mon chér-My darling)

When we touch hands I feel a jolt of electricity and he smiles at me.

"You look beautiful." He says smiling

I blush and slowly let go of his hand.

"Who are you?" I ask

"My name isn't important." He replies

I suddenly hear my name being called and the stranger runs away

"(M/n) your father is looking for you, he found a bride." My butler states walking up to me

I feel a sinking feeling in my stomach but shake it off as I try to forget the blond haired stranger,

"Hey Yao, do you know any males with long blond hair and blue eyes?" I ask

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