Scotland x Fem!Bullied!Depressed!Reader-Let me help

Start from the beginning

"I said, leave her alone." He says towering over Caila

She takes a step back and dashes away like a terrified mouse. I look up to Allistor and his eyes soften a little.

"What's yer name lass?" He asks

"Umm (Y/n)." I say quietly

He smiles and takes a seat at the table next to me.

"This seat ain't taken right lass?" He asks

I shake my head softly and feel a tiny bit happy. I haven't had anyone want to sit next to me in a long time. That's when the teacher comes in and smiles at all of us.

"Good morning class." She says

"Good morning Mrs.Gates." We all chant lifelessly

"Now today we have a new student staring." She says, Alistor rises from his seat

"My name is Allistor Kirkland, my brothers and I who also just started come from the British Isles." He says

When he sits down he winks at me. I turn away embarrassed and try to focus on what the teacher is saying, oh god she is so boring. I feel something hit the back of my head and it's a piece of scrunched up paper, it probably has a mean message or drawing on it but I ignore it. Allistor on the other hand turns around and glares at a guy, he must have thrown it.

Scotland's P.O.V.
This girl looks so broken and so depressed. I realised immediately that she was bullied but I have no idea why. She seems sweet and kind and she is really pretty. Well I'm going to make sure she isn't bullied anymore.

When the bell for lunch goes I softly grab her arm and she flinches.

"Hey do you want to sit with me for lunch?" I ask

"Uhh sure." She replies softly

I take her by the hand and walk with her to the cafeteria. Outside the cafeteria she slows down and come to a stop.

"Is something wrong?" I ask

"N-no, lets go." She says taking a step

"Lass I know something is wrong, you can tell me." I reply

She looks down shamefully and I just want to wrap my arms around her.

"The last time I went into the cafeteria I had food thrown on me, since then I never went in again." She says quietly

"How do you get lunch?" I ask almost dreading the answer

"I don't usually, sometimes if I have enough money I buy a bread roll before school but I don't eat that much at school." She sighs

"Well I'll make sure they leave you alone lass." I say ruffling her hair and opening the doors

We line up for our food and she seems to be hiding behind me. I look to see the people in front of us and it's that Caila girl. But this time she is with two other girls. One of them has a very bad dye job, black hair wiht silver streaks however the streaks cover most of her head and it looks like she is going grey. She also has a horrible spray tan that would make anyone wonder what she was thinking.

The other girl has greasy hair and she looks very washed out. She has a lost of make up on and her makeup doesn't match her skin tone at all so she looks like she is wearing a mask. Finally Caila is standing there smiling. Her short brown hair has tacky extensions in it and she looks like she needs a nose job. One of my polish friends would have a few things to say about these three.

Caila turns to look at me and she smiles.

"Oh hey Allistor." She says in her whiny voice "This is Portia and Bianca."

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