Chapter 29 [True End]

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My Last and Final gift to you

An End of a Pointless war
An Alliance

The sun had risen. It bathe the world in it's radiance as it continued to rise.

It was the following day after the birthday of the two brothers. Usually, it starts to act the same as before but..

Something was different.

A dynamic had changed.

And they knew it.

The two brothers woke up early that day. As usual they woke up to the ruffles of the other.

A smile had not graced their face. They were worried you see. After what happened the day before they couldn't understand.

They.. they felt like they broke something. Something that can't be fixed easily. It was hard to pin-point exactly where but.

They just knew


They knew who they broke.

Growing up. They just knew. They were natural born prodigies. They could grasp concepts easily. They had eloquence an adult would take years to perfect.

They were The perfect children

That is. In someone's expense.

They grew up to mature at a young age. Mature meaning to their mental age but despite this, their hearts are still kids.

So knowing how they came to be destroyed a piece of them. The night they eavesdropped at their father's rambles that early morning had provided the missing pieces of their self investigation.

Is their hypothesis correct?

"Morning" they said as they descended from the stairs.

The two looked to see their parents, seating next to eachother, with a strong melancholic air surrounding them.

'T-this isn't good' Shiro thought, he gulped, an effort to subside his nervous nerves.

"Father?" Akaro said, masking his anxiety with a blank face. Their father looked up to see his sons, cowering silently as they tried to stand strong.

"I'm sorry." Momo suddenly whispered, but her words still caught the ears of her 'husband' and sons.

"We have to tell them." Momo said, her breath suddenly stable. "Their to young they ca-" "We can't what?" Akaro muttered, his eyes dark.

"Father.. I know that Shiro and I are very young. Young isn't even near close to explain it. We are only 7 years old but that doesn't mean.." Akaro stopped, hesistant.

"We.. Deserve the truth. I know you, think that 'we won't understand' but please. We're your sons." Shiro pleaded.

We deserve the truth

A heavy feeling rested on the chest of the two parent's. 'Is this what my sons thought? Is this what they feel?' Their thoughts ran rampant as seconds passed.

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