Chapter 19 [Picture Me]

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'I wonder what they're doing'

A sigh escaped his mouth as he once again sat on the window seat. He didn'i have anything to do really. He requested for a leave to spend time with his kids, but with them currently attending school it's impossible. His wife had left to give her designs to a friend's agency a town over. So no doubt he won't be seeing his wife today.

He sat there listening to the ticks of the clock. Thinking for a bit.

'Is my life always going to be like this?'

It's not that he isn't content but it's rather complicated to say. Looking into his life he has the perfect wife, his dream job, and most of all his loving sons. He isn't complaining yet he feels conflicted. His life is to perfect. As if it is all a mere dream. No life can be truly perfect.

A thought came through him. A thought that might just change how he sees. He quickly stood up. And scanned the shelf behind the window seat.

'It's not here.'

He franticly searched for the book that might satiate his curiosity.

He was quickly losing hope on finding that book until he saw a small box underneath his desk. He kneeled down as he carefully took it out and openned it.

'Here it is'

He carefully took the book out of it's confines. It was the same wedding book he saw a few weeks ago. The wedding book that puzzled him. You see he was wondering if the pictures were of his wife or someone else. He wanted to know... He needed to.

He carefully opened each page. The first showed the venue, the park. The second of it's guest, The Midoriya's, Kaminari and Kyouko, ojiro ect. The third page was the same..except.. The last guest. It was Tenya...with his wife Momo.

His head started to throb. It was a bit intense but not something he couldn't deal with. He couldn't think straight. His wife was with tenya and she wasn't wearing a gown like in his memories. But rather a dress suited for bride's maids.

He frowned as he stopped. He couldn't turn the next page. It doesn't feel right. It felt forbidden.

Curiousity killed the cat

He turned the next page few pages to see him and the 'bride' it was still blurry but not as blurry as last time. Blurry as it is he got captivated by the one part that wasn't as blurry as the others.

'The smile'

It was big but not forced. Bright but not edited. Cheerful and not fake. The smile held true emotions of happiness and bliss.

It wasn't the smile of his wife

He closed the book and returned it back to the box but this time he hid it somewhere only he could find. He formulated a guess. A hypothesis if you will. A reason to why everthing makes no sense.

The wife he currently has isn't his.

But who knows it's still a guess.
He sat down yet again and peered unto the scenery below him.

'Her smile is as beautiful as her personality'

What scares him most is the fact he doesn't know who he was refering to. But.... Somehow he thinks he knows.

But satisfaction brought it back

Here! Have a shtty chapter folks!
School is eating me inside and out so im sorry. This story became an outlet for stress. VermiNel here is the story ok? Ok. They made me almost postpone this story for a month and a half because of someone's mistake. But im not nice so here. Torture~... But you know im thankful for the readers that stayed. So remember MAHAL NA MAHAL KO KAYO ok? Ok you beautiful kabayo-//mute ok! Ok! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVEEE YOU ALL SEE YOU NEXT TIME FABULOUSZZ

-rAIne out!

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