Chapter 21 [Disaster]

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"AUNTIE [L/N]!!"

With that she new she made a mistake. She should have stayed back Home.

"Ah! Akaro! Shiro! How are yo-" she stopped once she saw him.

"H-hello.." She stuttered out changing the pitch of her voice.

The man stood straight before saying " Good afternoon. Are you perhaps the woman who helped my sons?"

Cold sweat started to bother her. Her form became rigid "y-yes, please ca-call me [nickname]." She said.

"Shouto then." He said. "Auntie! Would you like to hang out with us? Please please!" The twins chorused.

This situation became a stalemate. No matter what she would pick can result in disasters. Even so she said.

"Sure.. If your father will allow."

The twins turned around giving puppy dog faces to their father. With this weakness, he caved in.

Todoroki smiled saying "of course. What would that effect?"

'Everything' she thought. She knew the effect of her quirk was fading fast. Her deception can't become 'truth' anymore.

"Hey auntie! How come you haven't been coming here the past few days?" Akaro asked.

"W-well i feeling under the weather you see." She replied coughing abit.

Todoroki watched as she interacted with the children. It was.. Oddly familiar. It made him feel happy.

To tell the truth her name was familiar. Deep down he knew he's heard that name before or nickname. It's on the tip of his tongue but.. He still can't figure it out.

The day was spent with the two training with the adults, Todoroki and [L/n], being their guide. That is until..

"I AM HUNGARYYYY" Shiro complained pulling on his brother's shirt. "Sorry to tell you this Shiro, but you're not a country." Akaro said, deadpanned.

"Ice cream break?" "Ice cream break."

The twins raced to the two adults screaming "ICE CREAM BREAK ICE CREAM BREAK!"

Todoroki checked the time, 3:23pm. Todoroki sighed before saying "ice cream break."

In return the twins cheered in joy. Dragging the two adults with them.


"Mango flavor NO chocolate flavor NO mango flavor NO BOTH." Shiro said, spreading his hands as he said No.

"Vanilla with chocolate syrup please." Akaro politely asked.
The two sat in awkward silence until.
"So.. How did you.. Meet the kids." Todoroki asked. "W-well.." "Don't worry, i don't bite." He continued. "..I met them at the park when they went through the bushes, thought of something else but I guess not." She said, fiddling with her fingers.

They looked over to see the twins motioning for them to come forward. They glance at each other before nodding, a silent agreement between them.

They walked over. Akaro asked "what ice cream flavor do you want.". "I'm good." She said. "I'm not hungry." He followed.

The twins chorused in a loud voice "PLEEASSSEEEE-" "ok fine vanilla that's it." Todoroki said. "I'll have the same." She followed.

They walked over again.

"What would you lik- w-wait... Aren't you two, shouto and [n/n]?" They asked.
"Y-yes.." The two answered hesitantly.

"Ooo~ it's been awhile seeing you two together! Those your kids right?" They asked. "His.." She answered.

"Ohh.." Their face turned into a solemn expression. They turned back and gave two cones of vanilla ice cream.

"How did yo-" "instincts!" They said smilling once again.


The two left along with Akaro and Shiro trailling behind them. The shop owner just looked. Their saddened face making itself known.

Another worker there patted their backs.
"I remember when they used to date. Coming here often to just hang out. They became regulars quickly. The staff even knows them by name." They sighed.

"But they said those aren't their kids only his." The worker said.

"BUT they were already married at the time. They still came here often even as married couple... So what happened?"


Leaving that shop took a lot out of him. The shop was already familiar and warped memories only resurfaced. In his memory the shop was where he and momo usual went on their dates but now.. It's different.

The face is blurred this time. The surroundings was blurred this time. But the smile remained the same.

You know... There's one detail he couldn't understand...that was when you said 'his'
It.. Hurt him in a way not physically but emotionally, tearing at his heart.

He.. Was afraid at that time. Afraid of change.

For the woman however. It was a different case. She couldn't think straight. Her quirk almost failed her.

The twins looked at the two adults in front of them. Sensing the tension.

Akaro and Shiro saw their father's hesitant gaze and the cold sweat that formed in their Aunt's forehead and hands.


Was the only question on their minds.

So a bit longer than usually yes. Horrible yes. I'm sorry. It's just school work has been eating me alive and i signed up for catechism so it makes it harder. Even so i'm happy for those who stayed. Mahal na mahal ko kayo ☺️ my children who is older than me.  You fabulous kabay//slap.
I love you all never forget that.

-rAIne Out!

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