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Kaia's POV – Sixty-Two more days

Vivian continues to refuse inviting me to the dinner party. I sit in the kitchen watching Vivian make herself some yogurt granola breakfast. I take a spoonful from my cereal as Vivian ignores my existence. Her strawberry blonde hair is in a high bun, her bare skin is glistened with moisturiser and she's in her pyjamas. It's strange seeing Vivian at home like this and then seeing a celebrity version of her at school with a complete face of make-up, styled hair and classy uniform.

"You look like you want to kill her and throw her in the dumpster and then fly that dumpster to Antarctica to feed her to the polar bears," Kieran interrupts my intense stare. I glare at him as he slightly kicks my chair to shake me out of my thoughts.

"Stop it, you are truly annoying," I order.

Kieran ignores it. He looks at Vivian and so do I. Kieran knows how torturous it is to wait for Vivian to invite me to the dinner party. It's like Vivian refuses to acknowledge the punishment she's going to go through. Why can't she just invite me? If Ben is right, then Ashton will humiliate her in front of the whole school.

"Vivian?" I call. Vivian looks up from her granola yogurt and arches an eye brow in question. "Where are you going tonight?" I ask, pretending to be interested.

Vivian groans, "How many times do I have to tell you? I'm going to Ashton's house to have dinner with his parents," Vivian states.

I nod, "Cool," I lie.

"Why are suddenly so interested in my social life?" she questions.

"I agree. Why are you so interested Kaia? Tell me, why?" Kieran asks, pretending to be attentive. Jerk.

"I feel attacked right now," I mutter. Vivian and Kieran wait for an answer. "I was just... wondering since Kieran's social life is as interesting as watching paint dry," I state.

Vivian nods, "That's true. I can't deny that," she states, earning a scowl from Kieran. I kick Kieran's chair to kick him out of his attitude.

"When will you be going to Ashton's house?" I ask.

"Maybe leave around six?" Vivian suggests. I nod. Okay, I have about nine hours until she leaves the house, so I have nine hours until she invites me. "Why aren't you hanging out with Cade?" she asks.

I shrug, "He's doing his assignment," I say.

Vivian chokes, "What did you say? He's doing his assignment?" Vivian frowns.

I nod, sighing. Even though that's true, I avoid answering Cade's calls. After what Tommy told me, I've been avoiding him more until I can be certain that Cade isn't pranking me. All night, instead of worrying about Vivian, I've been having a debate with myself of whether Cade likes me or not. I hate that I doubt him, and doubt that he likes me. It's strange to think he'd ever ask me out in the beginning but I fell for his words.

"Yeah, he is," I pout.

"Oh, then if you aren't doing anything," Vivian straightens her stance. "Did you want to..." before Vivian replies, I hear Aunt Meredith.

"Kaia?" I hear Aunt Meredith call out. My eyes widen and I immediately jump up.

"If she asks where I am, tell her I'm being a sunflower in the meadows," I whisper to Kieran before running out of the kitchen. I take every turn and make sure I don't run into Aunt Meredith. I run outside where she would never go without wearing proper attire. I should be safe out there for at least thirty minutes.

The sun is so bright in the morning. I take a seat on one of the seats by the pool, under the umbrella. I take out my phone and go on social media knowing I'll be out here for a while. Why isn't Aunt Meredith giving up on me? It's like I'm her new project that needs a complete makeover and since I'm resisting, she's accepting it as a challenge. I thought she was starting to sympathise with me but she's more attracted to the thought of turning me into one of them. Some preppy girl who cares about popularity and beauty. I have more pressing things to freak out about.

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