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Kaia's P.O.V.

I sit with Vi during lunch break. We've been spending a lot of time together now because of the school project. We sit at one of the table's, with all our work spread out on the table. Kieran isn't at school today because he went to the hairdressers to get his hair back to its normal colour. I take a bit out of the baby carrot Aunt Meredith packed for me.

Even though I hate the food Aunt Meredith packs for me, I am starting to like the baby carrots on their own. Kieran, as always, gives me his lunch and buys something from the cafeteria. He really hates his lunch from Aunt Meredith but I'm glad he gives it to me. The food Aunt Meredith gives me doesn't fill me up. My body digests the salad and vegetables so quickly, I become hungry in an hour later.

"Vi, do you want to go to the movies this weekend?" I ask.

Vi looks up from her textbook, "What?" she asks.

"Do you want to go to the movies with me? There is this one movie that I want to watch but since it's too girly for Kieran, I don't want to take him. Do you want to go with me instead? I think you'll like it? And I don't want to go alone," I explain.

"Why don't you take your cousin?" she asks. I arch an eye brow at her. I think it's self-explanatory as to why I don't want to take Vivian. She laughs, "Okay, I'll go. What time do you want to go?"

"Uh, lunch time? We can have lunch and then watch the movie."

She nods, "Okay, sounds good."

"Hey Kaia," I hear a familiar voice greet me. I look away from Vi to the Vivian's boyfriend and his squad.

"Ah, hi Ashton?" I reply.

He looks at Vi, "You're doing the history project with Loser Vivian? That's clever of you, you'd get a guarantee 'A'," Ashton smirks.

I frown. Why do people call Vi 'loser Vivian'?. He's literally just like Vivian, "Um, it's not Loser Vivian, it's just Vivian," I tell him. "Or you can call her Vi, like me," I turn to Vi, seeing if she's okay with that. Instead I see her surprised.

"Vi?" he laughs.

I suck the inside of my cheek. I stand up and stand on top of my chair, "That goes for the rest of you!" I yell, loud enough for everyone in the cafeteria to hear. The sound in the cafeteria starts to die down, "This girl, right here, her name is Vivian. Not Loser Vivian, not lesser Vivian, not lame Vivian. If I hear anyone of you call her by those names again, anything other than Vivian or Vi, you will be having a long talk with me. I am so shocked and embarrassed to be in a school where people given another person a name of 'Loser' or anything similar to that. So, if you want to call someone, you call them by their name. Do you understand me?" I yell.

I hear a few murmurs of 'yes' and some say 'whatever'. I sit back down in my seat and I turn to look at Ashton, arching an eye brow. I can't believe I literally just said that and not have a heart attack.

"Aren't you going to apologise?" I ask.

"I'm sorry," he mutters.

"Not to me, to Vi," I say, sternly.

Ashton looks at Vi, "Sorry, Vi," he says.

"It-It's okay," Vi stutters.

"Now what do you want?" I ask him.

"I... I was going to invite you to a party... this Saturday," he offers.

I look at Vi, "Sorry, already made plans. Is that all?" I ask.

He nods, "Yeah. Sorry..." he mutters before walking away. I watch him walk away, a little amazed myself. I look back at Vi.

"Did he looked scared? I think he got scared," I laugh with amazement. I never got someone be scared of me like that before. This is amazing. I now see why Kieran tries to get people to be scared of him. So much power.

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