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Cade's P.O.V.

I move away from behind the car and bolt inside an abandon building. I run up the stairs, frequently checking the map. I crouch behind an open window to prevent myself from being seen. Kieran should be coming soon any minute. I could see him from a distance, running around the corner of another building. He's running directly towards my way.

I point my gun towards him, focusing my aim directly at him. I pull the trigger, the bullet going directly through his head. Words pop up on my side of the screen saying 'headshot'. I hear Kieran groan, "What the... where did you come from?" Kieran growls. I smirk with victory.

It's the first time I'm coming back to Kieran's house after that family dinner. We decided to work on the assignment but we decided to play COD instead.

"Family, I'm home!" I hear a familiar voice call from downstairs.

"Shit!" Kieran says, immediately turning off the PlayStation and putting our controls away. "Kaia's home."

Kieran jumps up from the floor and to his desk chair. "What's wrong that Kaia's home?" I ask, confused.

"If she finds out that we're playing COD and not studying, she'd kill us," Kieran whispers. "Hurry, make it look like we've been working."

I chuckle and I jump onto the bed, grabbing a book and a pen from my bag. "Can't believe your scared of your own sister," I mutter.

Kieran's body tenses, "I'm not scared of my sister," Kieran says, defensively. "She's just annoying when she's angry," he mutters.

I could hear Kaia's footstep coming up the stairs. "Hey Vivian," I hear her greet.

"Hey bitch," Vivian responds. I could hear Kaia's footsteps getting closer.

"Um... okay," I hear Kaia mutter.

I see her shadow beneath the gap of Kieran's door. Kieran notices too so he immediately starts talking. "So, power is an interesting topic and I thought maybe we can look into..." the door opens and I see Kaia, still in her school uniform.

"Hey Kieran, why didn't... wow, what are you doing here?" she asks, her eyes on me.

"He's here to work on the assignment. Since we're partnered together means we have to actually do work," Kieran says. I've approached Kieran three days ago to come up with some plans about the assignment, but instead we've been just playing video games or sleeping instead. We haven't even touched the assignment or even talked about it yet.

"Really?" Kaia didn't seem to believe it.

"Really," I respond.

Kaia glances at me for a second before eyes flicks to the television. "Why's the television on? It's on H-D-M.... you were playing on the PlayStation, weren't you?" she accuses Kieran.

"What? What are you talking about? No we weren't," Kieran says defensively.

"Were you two playing together? Oh God, are you guys'... friends?" she asks, shocked. "Kieran, what the hell? I was just joking. You two can't be friends!" she says.

I frown, leaning up from the bed. "Why? What's wrong with me?" I ask.

"What's wrong with you? You guys are so alike it's terrifying. It's already a pain to handle one of you but when there's two of you... Oh God, what if you two morph into one and become a Godzilla, terrorising the city." Kaia's expression is as if she is petrified.

"Don't be an idiot," Kieran eyes narrow.

"No. You two together are literally equivalent to a Godzilla. I should go start packing my survival kit," she says. Damn, she is annoying.

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