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Kaia's P.O.V. – Twenty Minutes Earlier

As I return to my seat, I keep my eyes remained glued on Ashton. How dare he threaten Vivian? I'm not a huge fan of Vivian, but how could she even let her own boyfriend threaten her like that. What a gobsmacking jerk! Ashton wraps his arm around Vivian and kisses her on the cheek. I want to push Ashton away from Vivian and hit his head with a 400-paged book. He doesn't even deserve someone like Vivian, and that's saying a lot.

Earlier today, before I came to class, I overheard them two. Even though Ashton is a two-faced jerk, I was more surprised with Vivian letting him talk to her like that. I always knew her as the girl who would never let anyone talk down to her and wouldn't let anyone control her like Ash-jerk does. When I left my first class, I was heading to my next class. The halls were quite empty because I was already late to class. I then overhear Ashton and Vivian speaking around the corner, near her locker. They were the only two there.

I was about to ignore them and continue heading to class, but then I remembered what Vivian told me yesterday; that Ashton threatened to break up with her unless I went to the party.

"I'm glad you did what I asked. I thought you wanted to break up with me," Ashton tells her.

"No! Never! I never want to break up with," Vivian mutters.

Ashton laughs, "Honestly, I thought you did. I thought you wanted to punish me by not inviting Kaia to the party. I'm glad you finally did, I didn't want to break up with you."

"I don't want to break up," Vivian says.

"I don't want to either, but to be honest, I keep thinking that you don't like me. The only reason why you are with me is because of my status on the Football team. I keep thinking that you like another guy," he states. Yes, I do too think Vivian is only dating you because of your popularity, but honestly, aren't you only dating her because of her popularity. I mean, let's be real here.

"Of course not! I don't have any other feelings for another guy like that. I only like you, I promise – I don't want to lose you," she says.

"So, you're coming to my house to have dinner with my parents this Saturday?" Ashton asks.

"Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world," Vivian smiles.

"Good. Make sure you bring Kaia as well," Ashton says.

At that moment, I wondered why Ashton was so obsessed with me going to his stupid parties. It's like he wants Vivian to bring me just to torture us both. Doesn't he get the picture that I hate him? "Why?" Vivian asks.

"Are you seriously going to question me again?" Ashton asks with irritation. He moves away from her from disgust.

"No, I'm just curious, that's all," Vivian mutters.

"Because Ben wants her along. I think he has a crush on Kaia." I scoff. No, he doesn't you two-faced jerk. And if he does, I will shiver and gag.

"But Kaia's dating Cade," Vivian states. "You want Kaia to cheat on Cade?"

"I don't care who she's dating – Ben listens to me whenever I bring Kaia and I need him to listen to me this Saturday. I don't care if Ben breaks them up, if I can control him, I'm happy," Ashton orders.

"Ben is your older brother, of course, he'd listen to you."

"So, you're not going to invite Kaia?"

Vivian panics, "No, of course, I'll bring her with me! I'll make sure she comes," Vivian assures him.

I didn't want to go but thinking about Vivian, I felt like I should go for her. Even though I don't like her, I'm honestly worried about her. How could she date a guy like him? I don't know what Ashton plans on bringing me to that stupid dinner party – what does he expect from controlling Ben? Is Ben some type of controllable Terminator and I'm the key?

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